Hatching Llama

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      BRoS wrote:

      which molding tecnique are you guys using?Ooh, hey! If you know alot about this stuff, maybe you can help with the hollowing out of the Secret Keeper dragon?


        I am merely a dental tecnitian, not a skulpting artist, so I know nothing about hollowing out sculptures or casting models 🙂 and silicone is supposed to be the best molding agent on the market, it is more stable than most others, there is a thought if it should be thicker, but then again they have a “case” around them that should eliminate that problem, but it never hurts to try 😀 but as I say, I am no expert


          BRoS wrote:

          I am merely a dental tecnitian, not a skulpting artist, so I know nothing about hollowing out sculptures or casting models 🙂 and silicone is supposed to be the best molding agent on the market, it is more stable than most others, there is a thought if it should be thicker, but then again they have a “case” around them that should eliminate that problem, but it never hurts to try 😀 but as I say, I am no expert

          Oh, ok 🙂 Just thought you might know.


            is there a picture??


              Of the Hatching Llama? Sure. Melody’s Elfwood Gallery. http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/m/e/melodypena/hatch_llama_gry_bkgrnd.gif.html

              Pics of the molds are in Melody’s Gallery here.


                skigod377 wrote:

                BRoS wrote:

                I am merely a dental tecnitian, not a skulpting artist, so I know nothing about hollowing out sculptures or casting models 🙂 and silicone is supposed to be the best molding agent on the market, it is more stable than most others, there is a thought if it should be thicker, but then again they have a “case” around them that should eliminate that problem, but it never hurts to try 😀 but as I say, I am no expert

                Oh, ok 🙂 Just thought you might know.

                no harm in asking, or hoping whatsoever :), isn´t it hope that makes the world go round? I had only hoped that I could help with the problem of casting 🙂

                I had an Idea though 😯 what if there were som retentive holes put in the “case”, or pins that would stick in the silicone, then the mould would not deform so easily??? or has that allready been tryed


                I would think the ears would be a problem. Looks like they would have a tendency to break off.

                But he’s really cute!


                  not neccesarily, silicone is pretty flexible


                    not neccesarily, silicone is pretty flexible, or are you talking about later


                      On the Elfwood page Melody mentions the ears are pewter so I would imagine that would actually make them a little sturdier.


                      Hmm, I wonder how many peices they use pewter in.


                        OK am I missing something?? Why would a Llama be hatching?? They are Mammels and born live??


                          laphon1 wrote:

                          :squeak: for a hatching llama! Even if it is limited edition/production. :squeak: :squeak: Squeak!

                          Oh, I totally want a hatching llama as well. Even if it has a slightly deformed egg. :squeak: :squeak:


                            Dragon Master wrote:

                            OK am I missing something?? Why would a Llama be hatching?? They are Mammels and born live??

                            Hmmm…maybe you have been missing the fact that dragons are mythical creatures all this time? 🙄


                              😆 😆 😆

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