I don’t think she is 9 but the Empress hatchers are VERY big compared to the other hatchers. She might be 9 it’s difficult to tell since she or round on the bottom
Not trying to be mean or anything, but what if someone here was hoping to get her cheap and posting it kinda ruined that?
If you were looking for this piece, wouldn’t you appreciate it if someone found it for you?
I do it to help those who collect them.
I really wanted the Copper gold Emperor and yet I still posted the auction link for everyone to see.
We are all here to help each other. 😉
I’m pretty sure keschete is looking for a white Empress.
Please click me, so I can hatch!!! WOW!! I just clicked on the egg with the hole in it and now she has hatched!! I fianlly had the touch to make one hatch!!!