Has your significant other ever disappointed you like this?

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      I was telling my husband about how I wasn’t sure about the poads’ size, how I thought they were hand-sized and all. Told him I posted the question and that the answer was that poads are about the size of a fledgling.

      He asks: What’s a fledgling? 😯

      Like, come on! I think I can rebuild his transmission on my own he’s told me so much about it. I’m pretty sure I’m as detailed as he is when I go on and on about my dragons…

      Anybody have a Windstone exam I can give him? 😀

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Yup. My husband pulls that on me all the time. “uh huh, I’m listeding….yeah…..uh huh”. Then i stop talkking for a minuiet or 5, and he never flinches. 😕

        Yet the MOMENT he has something to tell me about a vidio game, a gun, or computers, by golly I had best be listening, even if it’s by far the most boring stupid thing I’ve ever heard(or, if he’s already told me a few times before….which happens a lot). It’s like he’s my grandfather sometimes, and tells teh same story over and over and over and over 🙄


          Yeah. The hubby’s the same way. I can say, “the lap dragon” or “the emperor” and he won’t have a clue. Or colors… nothing (he knows blue and black and red but not peacock and black gold and ruby — imagine what emerald peacock does to him 😯 ). It’s sad because he helps me sell them at conventions, boxing them and writing up the slips. If I’m waiting on someone and someone else wants a Windstone he makes them wait until I’m free to tell him what it is. Or he badgers me with so many questions that I feel like the first person gets ignored. He’s starting to show more interest and learn them though, so it’s getting better. He’s realizing that he can’t just ignore them — that he has to have a part in the business if he’s really there to “help” me.


          My husband likes to know what’s going on during an intire conversation, and the first horse show we went to , we were talking about bay “ish’s” and “roan” horses, and so he actually learned darn near every mold on the stone/breyer line, most of the colors, and he does get upset when I start hollering about something(like sandicast sending my shipment to the wrong address, so i lost most of my pre-orders, because it’ll be another two weeks before the order gets to sanidcast/comes back to me), but as a whole, he zones me out.

          He does like the dragon though. He actually said that now that the curio is being taken over by dragons, that he likes the dinning room more. He doens’t take an active intrest in who is who(maybe if we went to a live DRAGON show he would), but he said that since I got into dragons and talk abour horses less, i’m less boring 😯

          *shrugs* With me, it’s just that he zones out so you have no idea if he heard you yell fire or not.


          I don’t have a SO, but Dad likes to ask me why I buy pre-painted Windstones when I paint them just fine myself. I think he thinks I’m slowly giving it up after the ransom of the BEP OW.
          Fat chance. 🙄 😆


          I don’t think my boyfriend even knows the difference between the dragon sculpts — he says that they all look the same to him. 🙄


          Not the artsy type, I take it. 😆


            Look at it this way…if they don’t know what the sculptures are by sight, they can’t name them and they aren’t paying much attention when you talk about them, it makes it that much easier to sneak a new one in 8)


            starbreeze wrote:

            Look at it this way…if they don’t know what the sculptures are by sight, they can’t name them and they aren’t paying much attention when you talk about them, it makes it that much easier to sneak a new one in 8)

            This is true. When i got my first little white curl, he didn’t even notice. Course, nto the curio is filling up…he’s kinda noticed that, but he likes them, so ti’s all good 😀 Dragons must be more MANLY than horses. 😆


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Not the artsy type, I take it. 😆

            Not at all. He has almost zero interest in decorations or artwork. 🙄 His main hobby is computer games. I play occasionally too, but he’s much more into it than I am. I guess I should be glad that he’s not completely addicted like some people we know. 🙂

            starbreeze wrote:

            Look at it this way…if they don’t know what the sculptures are by sight, they can’t name them and they aren’t paying much attention when you talk about them, it makes it that much easier to sneak a new one in 8)

            Exactly! I don’t think he even notices when I get a new Windstone unless I point it out to him.

            Though he probably will notice when I get my glass shelves since that’ll be a new piece of furniture and it’ll be pretty hard to miss… 😆


              Hahaha! I thought this was gonna be a good serious Birthday/Anniversary forgetting man-bashing event! 😆 My man tries to act interested and even asks me questions, but he makes fun of the certificates of authenticity. He says he is gonna make something and just add a certificate so people will pay hundreds more for it 🙄 Its good he has his Jordan shoe fettish, cuz my dragons dont phase him at all!


                Whatever works 😉


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Hahaha! I thought this was gonna be a good serious Birthday/Anniversary forgetting man-bashing event! 😆

                  Nah, that’s something I’d never complain about. All and all, my guy’s a keeper (after 16 years, yeah, I guess I’ll keep him). I can tease him about his obsession and he teases me about mine.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    My boyfriend is listening when I chatter about Windstones. He’s becoming an involuntary expert in them.

                    Meanwhile I’m becoming an involuntary expert in such things as computer hardware, sci-fi drive theory and Trek history.

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