Has anyone ever requested this mythic creature?

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      What sex are phoenixes?


      Melody wrote:

      PhoenixTears wrote:

      Hi Melody,
      Hope youre having a nice weekend.. Busy, busy, Im sure! If not, good on ya!

      Ive tried to do a search for this, but more often than not, it brings up user nyms (my own included!), rather than the subject matter for which Im searching.

      Has anyone ever asked you, or have you ever considered creating a Phoenix as a Windstone piece? Im just envisioning some really cool (or hot as the case would be) oranges, reds and yellows that could be burned in there for the plumage. Expression in the eyes could go either way- if it’s sitting with wings just barely spread (or held in), I can see a gentle face, but if in full flight or a dive but still with full wing span, I can see more intense (though not mean- I dont see them as wicked birds; strong, protective and will fight to the death if need be but not agro for no reason) emotion coming from the eyes. Then some great talons in different positons (feet) and even perched on large partial high branches maybe- I dont know.

      Just spitballing. Ever thought of anything like that? If others have already come to you with this request or idea here, sorry for the redundancy. I was unable to recover it with the search function. Have a nice day and rest of the weekend!I am fooling around with a phoenix pyo design, (which means I have several going at once.. this is what I do when I am undecided about the design) The latest one is sitting on a rock, with the wings partially spread. The tail still bugs me though, I just don’t like the long floppy feathers in the tail..Do phoenixes always have to have tails like that? I was might give this one a tail like an archyopterix.What do you think, is the long ribbon-like tail very important to the “phoenix” image?
      I guess it depends on what type of phoenix you are doing. I did a paper a couple of years ago, and i have seen tail feathers like an eagle but with eyespots, a peacock tail, or a cobination of the two with an eagle tail that had a few peacock feathers coming from the base of the tail. I guess its just depends on what you think would look nice and is easy to scuplt. Just my two cents.
      Now when you say a tail like an archyopterix would that look like a mourning dove’s tail? That could be nice as well. You also could add some eyespots for some flare.


        Melody wrote:

        What sex are phoenixes?

        I am guessing they can be boys or girls… or.. simce they dont technically reproduce, maybe they are asexual.



        Melody wrote:

        What sex are phoenixes?

        In most of the research that i have done, most are male, though in the east they come in pairs of male and female. Personally i favor female phoenixes over male ones since they can be paired with dragons and the dragons are usually male. I did read a book by Elizabeth Forrest called phoenix fire and she gave her male phoenix spurs on his legs and the wrist of the wings. Her phoenix also had no pupils just golden eyes. Just thought you would like to know. 🙂


          I read something forever ago about one that was female…not that it means anything 🙂 . The face sounds interesting, I’m itching to see her! Is the sculpture bird alone or is it on a rock or some other prop? 🙂


            The phoenix symbolizes femininity in several cultures, also.

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              I am really, really, looking forward to this PYO (or production piece – whichever the case may end up being).

              Here is a pic with the two tail styles. I like longer tails, but which ever one is practical and looks the best.

              I don’t know what sex it should be. I’d vote for a female, but would be happy either way.



                Asian culture pictures phoenixes as representing the female aspect of a relationship.

                I think it would be cool to see it lying down on a rock or something with the wings spread out on the rock. (You know, that way the wings wouldn’t break…) with it’s head looking up. You know, in the typical windstone fashion of “have the female lying down”


                  DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

                  Asian culture pictures phoenixes as representing the female aspect of a relationship.

                  I think it would be cool to see it lying down on a rock or something with the wings spread out on the rock. (You know, that way the wings wouldn’t break…) with it’s head looking up. You know, in the typical windstone fashion of “have the female lying down”

                  I don’t know, was the scratcher meant to be female or male? We’ve dubbed ours a female….The OW is also in a lying down pose….The SK is female and I know she’s in a sitting up pose…


                  I suppose it does depend on which culture youre looking at. The way I learned about it growing up was that it was always a mythical male bird (only one living at a time) that lived for 500 yrs, burned and was reborn from its own ashes- as a male yet again. Female never entered into it. But thats the beauty with mythology… you can be the modern creator. With regards to a Windstone Phoenix, Id take it regardless of gender.

                  My cat in my siggie is named Phoenix and was a stray and came to my door howling one Christmas eve. I have saved tons of strays but never taken one in from the outside for keeps (adopted from shelters yes, but not from outside). That was about the change that night. At that time, his eyes were this fabulous glowing orange color (theyve yellowed since… but there’s no escaping Photoshop!)

                  Second I saw him, his name popped into my head somehow (yea, Im a spiritual person). Though his breed is considered “blue” for the sake of the story, lets say he’s grey. Follow me…

                  The brilliant orange or even yellow eyes = the orange and yellow (red) feathers of the Phoenix and the fire the cross over in. Ashes from which theyre reborn = grey, same as his body color. Hence, the story behind his name. Granted, he doesnt look as fluid and elegant as a phoenix would in the photo below but there you have the story behind his name 😛


                  I like the story behind his name. It is very interesting to hear.


                    Me too!


                      Male phoenix. They look way too masculine to me.

                      …the phoenix in Harry Potter was male 🙂 (lol, I’m actually not a HP fan)


                        Hmm…. with this kind of response maybe it’s better to safely assume they are genderless! 😀


                          DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

                          Hmm…. with this kind of response maybe it’s better to safely assume they are genderless! 😀

                          Really, I like the idea of the PYOs being genderless. That way the person who paints them can decide what they want. The unicorn threw me off because it’s suppose to be female… I was “Wait, it has an assigned gender? :?”
                          I think letting someone decide the gender makes them a bit happier…

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