has anyone been asked to change a pyo already painted?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone has anyone been asked to change a pyo already painted?

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    im very annoyed really,i have the winged wolf amber up on e-bay,im sure some of you have seen it up,i had an interested buyer e-mail me that they collect the wolves,but the ones they have dont have,you know that small area in the shoulder that has some little feathers,well i had painted the interference from the wing into that area a little,well they asked me to paint over it 😯 because the ones they have are not painted that way 🙄 and no im not going to say what i would like to reply back to them 😈


      fauxbird wrote:

      im very annoyed really,i have the winged wolf amber up on e-bay,im sure some of you have seen it up,i had an interested buyer e-mail me that they collect the wolves,but the ones they have dont have,you know that small area in the shoulder that has some little feathers,well i had painted the interference from the wing into that area a little,well they asked me to paint over it 😯 because the ones they have are not painted that way 🙄 and no im not going to say what i would like to reply back to them 😈

      Personally I would tell them that the wolf is being sold as is. Somebody else might want it the way you have it, and it’s your art. Let them know they can commission one from you, and you’ll paint it how they want it. But this one is the way it is.


        Sell as is. If it’s an ebay listing then you shouldn’t change it…you never know if they might later change their story and say, “Oh, it wasn’t pictured this way!”. Tell them if they’d like one slightly different then they can commission one from you for a fixed price. That way you still make $ and they’re happy too. 🙂


          I have a different opinion of the matter.

          If you are REALLY perturbed about it, be polite and say it is sold as is.

          BUT if you are humble enough to consider thier request, then tell them that IF they win it you will adjust it for them..but not until the auction is over.

          Honestly I would not be insulted at all by something like this. If they did not ask then they would not know. It means that they do REALLY like your wolf, they are just collecting ones that have a certain look and would like it to match. I can relate to this because I can be that picky too about things. it is not too uncommon to have people ask stuff like this.

          weather you decide that you can be ok with changing it a little or want to sell it as it is, i would not get so upset about such a question. It was nice of them to inquire about it, rather then bidding,winning, THEN asking you to change it.


            I think Skigod had bought a kirin and asked if the seller could modify it if she won the auction. The seller did (right?)

            So, yeah, I would agree to make the change, but ask for very specific directions and maybe limit the amount of touch ups or so, just to make sure you don’t end up repainting the whole thing.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            no im not angry i just find it anoying,i paint something to paint it the way it calls to me,i dont paint it to go with a persons collection per-say,i do understand that people collect them and want ones they like,but why not just ask me if i can paint one like it the way they want it? 🙄


              fauxbird wrote:

              no im not angry i just find it anoying,i paint something to paint it the way it calls to me,i dont paint it to go with a persons collection per-say,i do understand that people collect them and want ones they like,but why not just ask me if i can paint one like it the way they want it? 🙄

              there could be all sorts of reasons ranging from that they just never thought of that to maybe they have never commissioned some one before and don’t know much about it.


              dragonmedley wrote:

              I think Skigod had bought a kirin and asked if the seller could modify it if she won the auction. The seller did (right?)

              Yeah. If I remember right they also added some color that SKi didn’t ask for and wasnted pleased with afterwards. Whatever you do, fauxbird, don’t make changes nobody requested. 😉


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                dragonmedley wrote:

                I think Skigod had bought a kirin and asked if the seller could modify it if she won the auction. The seller did (right?)

                Yeah. If I remember right they also added some color that SKi didn’t ask for and wasnted pleased with afterwards. Whatever you do, fauxbird, don’t make changes nobody requested. 😉I did ask her very nicely for just a little more color on the scales. She was very nice and told me she would do it if I won. The extra color on the belly scales was already there, it just did not show up as blatant in the auction pics. I totally love that ki rin and was quite nervous about potentially insulting the artist. After I won the auction, though, she changed it for me and today, I am happy as a clam. I am sure the potential buyer meant no insult to you… I didnt when I asked for a change.

                If you dont want to change it, then dont. I like the commision idea… but if they win, unless its personally offensive to you, I dont see why you cant oblige. 🙂


                Nope, I haven’t even been commissioned…haha. But if I knew how I wanted something then I might be inclined to ask if that is something they could do for me.

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