Harry Potter book

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      Some people just aren’t readers. I don’t think my brother had read a book since high school till I gave him the prequel to the transformers movie πŸ˜€ His fiance was shocked to see him READING


      Ku my friends just doesn’t read and i was talking about teh HP books years ago and she is glued to them! πŸ˜€ (They are about the only thing she has read though since leaving school) πŸ˜†


      Ok, I don’t get the idea of writing a review of a book (and a series) you haven’t even read! I was surfing around the internet to see what people thought of DH (Deathly Hallows) because no one I know has finished it yet and ran across a review by a guy who states “I am proud to say I have never read any of the HP books.” He goes on to say that anything millions of people like MUST be trite and he doesn’t need to eat garbage out of a can to know it is garbage! πŸ‘Ώ Guess him mom never told him “Don’t say you don’t like something until you’ve tried it.”

      I realize there are lots of people out there who don’t like HP and don’t get the whole magical world thing. I personally don’t get the whole American Idol thing (and yes, I have seen an episode). But I don’t knock it for people who do like it. And I did try it. But this guy knocked the whole series without reading one book or seeing one of the movies. And evidently cared enough to track down a forum discussing HP to post his (flawed) opinion. Read the book, you muggle, you might like it!


        ddvm wrote:

        Ok, I don’t get the idea of writing a review of a book (and a series) you haven’t even read! I was surfing around the internet to see what people thought of DH (Deathly Hallows) because no one I know has finished it yet and ran across a review by a guy who states “I am proud to say I have never read any of the HP books.” He goes on to say that anything millions of people like MUST be trite and he doesn’t need to eat garbage out of a can to know it is garbage! πŸ‘Ώ Guess him mom never told him “Don’t say you don’t like something until you’ve tried it.”

        I realize there are lots of people out there who don’t like HP and don’t get the whole magical world thing. I personally don’t get the whole American Idol thing (and yes, I have seen an episode). But I don’t knock it for people who do like it. And I did try it. But this guy knocked the whole series without reading one book or seeing one of the movies. And evidently cared enough to track down a forum discussing HP to post his (flawed) opinion. Read the book, you muggle, you might like it!

        πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


        ddvm wrote:

        Ok, I don’t get the idea of writing a review of a book (and a series) you haven’t even read! I was surfing around the internet to see what people thought of DH (Deathly Hallows) because no one I know has finished it yet and ran across a review by a guy who states “I am proud to say I have never read any of the HP books.” He goes on to say that anything millions of people like MUST be trite and he doesn’t need to eat garbage out of a can to know it is garbage! πŸ‘Ώ Guess him mom never told him “Don’t say you don’t like something until you’ve tried it.”

        I realize there are lots of people out there who don’t like HP and don’t get the whole magical world thing. I personally don’t get the whole American Idol thing (and yes, I have seen an episode). But I don’t knock it for people who do like it. And I did try it. But this guy knocked the whole series without reading one book or seeing one of the movies. And evidently cared enough to track down a forum discussing HP to post his (flawed) opinion. Read the book, you muggle, you might like it!

        Thats bad, i too never watch any of those idol thingies or reality TV but i don’t go around saying it crap becaus ei havent actually sat down and watched them they just arn’t my cup of tea. Maby that goes for him too, but still thats a little rude. πŸ˜€ Almost everyone i know has finished it over here but then we did get it before you πŸ˜†

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