Harry Potter book

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      Thoughts? Are you one of those people who went/are going to the HP book release? Are you one of those who will get the book at a later date?
      …Just don’t care? 😆

      I’m only asking because I have a ton of friends going freaking APE about this book release 😕 Most of them are “leaving the internet” for days (weeks people, if you don’t want anything spoiled. Seriously, I KNOW HOW THE BOOK ENDS. I know already. If you don’t want spoilers, people need to stay off and away from their computer until they finish the book!) because they don’t want anything to be spoiled for them. I’m glad I never got into HP.

      I hated Harry Potter for the longest time. Yeah, unwilling saw the first two movies, but the third was very awesome and so was the forth. Not so much the fifth. Because I liked the third so much, I re-watched the first two (actually paying attention this time lol). I would still never pick up a book (don’t like books, not interested in HP).

      Not putting anyone down for liking HP 🙂 Like mentioned, I have a TON of friends who LOVE HP. I just don’t and think it’s kind of overboard… specially if you know what they did to try and prevent spoilers for leaking on this book 🙄
      What are your guy’s thoughts? :3



        I would already be reading it if I hadn’t had to work.


          They have it at the PX. I dont read it, though. My sister and mother both do, though. They were stoked when I stood in line at midnight last time to get it for them. (It was a surprise)


          Kujacker, if you liked the movies, I would read the books. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

          I resisted reading them for about 2 years, then my nephew insisted I read the first book, after that, I was hooked.

          I will be getting the book today, I also expect I will be done reading it by Tues. LOL! I love this series, and am sad that with this last book, it will be over. But I would not say I am fanatic, I’m not avoiding the internet to avoid spoilers. However, I am making sure I don’t go anywhere that a spoiler is likely to occur.

          I am hoping that Harry prevails, but considering the surprise ending in the previous book, you never really know. So I am anxious to see what all goes on. We will see.

          Anyway, I’ll let you know what I think when I’m done with the story.

          As for the movies, I love them. It’s the first series of movies based on books that have really stuck to the original story as closely as possible.




          My HP book should be arriving from Amazon today! (Guaranteed or it’s free) My husband & I would fight over it, but he acknowledges that I read twice as fast as him, so I get it first 🙂 (of course, I probably don’t read faster now that I’ve got the 2 kids hanging on me). Dave managed to avoid it until the 4th book, then he finally read the first and was hooked! (Of course Harry has to triumph! I’m confident of that or else people would MOB Rowling!) I’m not as huge a fan of the movies, though I love the casting. The first one I would actually rewatch was the 4th…
          As for movies following books: LOTR! Yes, some things were changed, but the movies were fantastic (except for changing the characters of Faramir & Arwen) and I think they’re far better at capturing the essence of the books than the HP movies. —well, the HP movies I think try too hard to follow the books and thus lose something….


            I’ve never read any of them, though I may someday after the craze has died down a bit. I have lots of other books to work through and little enough time as it is! 😆

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              I always went to the midnight release parties but I wasn’t able to go this year. I’m still trying to finish the half blood prince (so far its really boring). I’m going to try and pick up a copy of the book tomorrow.


                I saw all the movies (except the most recent one; haven’t gone yet), and read all the book sthis winter. Unfortunately, the characters do not come to life for me in the books. Her descriptions are awesome, but the characterization could be better. I don’t get into their skin, as we say in French. The Weasley twins have the most personality in the books. I will rewatch the movies, but I will not re-read the books.

                I can say the same for Lord of the Rings; Tolkien had awesome ideas, but he didn’t know how to “show” the story. I read a lot, and these were by far the hardest fantasy books to read I ever picked up. I did my Master’s in French lit, so was able to school myself to read the 3 books. But I was really sad that Tom Bombadil wasn’t in the movies, because he had so much potential!

                Anywho, this is a very subjective thing, books! It could go on and on. Mine is just one opinion, is all.

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                I went and got it last night, there were hundreds of people queing and i was right at the front 😀 Ive just got back from a loonnnnnnng day at work and everyone was talking about getting it through the post this morning, one guy over here got it sent out yesterday afternoon by accident ha ha he was happy 😀
                Im not going to talk about it as i don’t want to spoil it for anyone or have it spoilt for myself. Im reading this one slow to enjoy it 8)


                  I went and got it last night. There was over 500 people waiting! I got a free poster too 😆 I got the book for my sons birthday next week but I might try to sneak read it before.


                  I’m curious to read the books, but I won’t go out and buy them. XD I’ll just toddle myself up to the library instead.


                  I admit it – I’m one of those people who get the book at midnight to read it. I arranged to have today off so I could stay up and read all night. Didn’t quite happen that way. Had a killer headache and was exhausted from going to my cousin’s funeral. So I only read until about 3 AM before I passed out. But I did read it all day today and just finished it. It was pretty good. I’m not going to spoil anything for people. Just say that someone I thought was going to die didn’t, a couple of people I thought might die did and completely didn’t see something coming (and should have – I had a total blind spot about it). There were elements of Tolkien and the Christian Bible in the end as well. But I am sad that there will never be any new HP books – the ending is pretty complete. It’s always a let down to read a book that ends a series. 😥


                    I resisted reading Harry Potter for years and then caved when a friend told me I HAD to read it cause it was exactly the kind of book I like. Now I’m hooked. Not to the point of being a rabid fan who HAS to get it at midnight (I preordered so there’s a copy on it’s way). Also I’ve only seen the first 3 movies, just haven’t gotten around to the others, and aside from the first one which was pretty close to the book (Book one was also the shorest) the others miss soooo much of what was in the books. The books are definately better than the movies!


                      Wow! It’s interesting to hear all the different POVs from everyone here! I was actually kind of surprised to see so many fans (since no one ever talks about it… and if do I just missed them 😯 ). Very awesome! I still doubt I will ever read the books though (I’m just not a reader at all other than graphic novels) but if I ever did, I would also hit the library 🙂

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