Happy Valentines Day!

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    Did someone do something nice for you today? I hope so! Share your Valentines Day with us πŸ™‚

    And if you were neglected we can get together and plot retribution πŸ™‚ Hehehehe…just joking, but feel free to brag, share or vent, whatever the case might be πŸ™‚

    Happy Valentines Day to Everyone!



      since my mom and grandma are gone it means nothing to me anymore


      Not so great for me… my parents and I have all been sick for the past two weeks. *hoards Zicam*

      Plus I’ve had a killer headache for about a month. Doesn’t feel like it’s gonna go away any time soon; it’s actually gotten worse since last night.

      My fathers birthday is tomorrow. :0


        Mine was great! I got a HUGE teddy bear, tulips and a sweet card…

        I got him a Raiders blanket and some roses that are made of wood and a sweet card… πŸ™‚


          I got a nice card and a bejewelled bird box – I collect these. This one was a chickadee. So cute!

          I gave him a card and a box of crullers (French donuts). He’s been craving these for a while.


            I got a card from my hubby and some chocolate. Alyssa got me a card and a plush dragon (on of those dragonology dragons). I feel bad because I didn’t get hubby anything since I can never leave the house without his help lol.


              i got nothing, lol. my boyfriend went out partying with his guy buddies and got trashed. woo hoo! happy valentine’s day! lol! i was left home by myself and painted pyos, enjoying the peace and quiet with my doggies, so it actually wasn’t that bad….i guess. πŸ™„
              sooooo, where’s the plotting committee assembling? πŸ˜†
              congrats serenity and emerald on getting sweet and loving goodies! squealies! πŸ˜€


              Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone.

              My bf gave me money to get my eyebrow’s waxed and a pedicure. He gave me a cookie that said “Pukar” (the name he calls me) and a necklace that opens like a little box. He put in the necklace that he loves me. Aw. I gave him bottles of Pepsi, a cookie ,some auto traders and brought home dinner. His gift to me was so much better. πŸ˜†


              I got nothing. My boyfriend doesn’t like the “Commercial Holidays” …

              didn’t even get a card…

              come to think of it…he hasnt even said happy valentines day… “yeah, happy Lame Corporation Day” is what he replied when I told him happy valentines day…

              I bought him four Axis and Allies Japanese ships that he mentioned he’d wanted


                Congrats to everybody that celebrated. πŸ˜€ We mutually decided to skip it this year. This past weekend we went out to dinner and then went to see New Breed Fighters (MMA), so that pretty much covered it anyway.


                  We didn’t do anything this year either, besides go out to eat. We figure since we’re taking a trip to Florida soon… that would be enough fun money spent right there.


                  I don’t consider Valentine’s Day special. I got to go visit Aky, though, so I suppose that was my celebration. πŸ˜›
                  Congrats to everybody who got some nice gifts, though.


                  I was waken this morning with a “Happy Valentine’s Day” and a hug and kiss! The day before KC bought me a boquet of flowers with a note which says how much he has enjoyed this past year with me, and how much he is looking forward to starting our family together! πŸ˜€ He also said that the 3D ultrasound was my Valentine’s Day gift.
                  I feel so bad though, because he told me over and over again that he didn’t want a Valentine’s Day gift, so I didn’t get him one-which I feel bad about. I did start a poem yesterday that I will give him soon! πŸ˜€

                  I hope everyone’s Valentine’s Day was good-even if it wasn’t full of pink hearts and flowers!


                  tfsculptures wrote:

                  i got nothing, lol. my boyfriend went out partying with his guy buddies and got trashed. woo hoo!

                  sooooo, where’s the plotting committee assembling? πŸ˜†

                  You can PM me and we can get a group going πŸ™‚ You know after a while you CAN actually train them…

                  When you give them the cold shoulder for a few weeks…after a few years some of them are capable of learning.

                  After 15 years, I give my husband his birthday, Valentines, anniversary, Christmas cards the evening prior to the holiday. Now he doesn’t forget..though I am worried if I don’t do a subtle reminder…he might forget.

                  πŸ™‚ 😈 😈 😈

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