Greater Basilisk wrote:
Dragon87 wrote:
Greater Basilisk wrote:
During the festival half of the church year (from Advent to Pentecost) we have all sorts of random days off for specific religious occasions. Those days vary from canton to canton – the Catholics get more vacation than we do.
Which denomination are you?
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want…
Oh, I’m open about my religion. 😉
I’m actually Lutheran. The Swiss cantons are split between reformed (Calvinist, Methodist, evangelical, etc., but not Lutheran) and Catholic. Zurich, where I live, is reformed.
The good thing about being Lutheran is that I can declare myself as having a “different religion” and so don’t have to pay the church taxes. 😛
Ah… I guess that gets you out of some taxes, doesn’t it?
I’m *technically* …. um … I went to an Anglican church when I was a kid, but was baptized United.
I just hi-jacked this thread didn’t I? Oops! Back to your regular scheduled programming then…