Happy Halloween!

Home Forums Miscellany Community Happy Halloween!

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      Lokie wrote:

      Happy Halloween! I’ll probably just be eating candy out of the punch bowl because we get so few kids nowadays. Last year it was 5 candies a piece to even make a dent in the bowl, this year I’ll probably hand out 7 or 8.

      Nom, nom, nom! Halloween? 😀

      We get so few kids, too. It sucks. 😥


        Last year Scott and I decided in the last minute that we were going to go trick or treating… LOL! So we got on our costumes (I was the dragon, he was a wolfman thing) and we ended up with a ton of candy by the end of the night. Everone thought we were high school students (since a lot of them still go too :)) It was fuuun! 😀

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