Happy Father's Day

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      Happy Father’s Day!


        Happy Fathers Day!!


        I always love seeing how you decorate for every new special occasion, darjeb. 😀


        i had a nice Fathersday ( full of cleaning and cooking :P) and got a great gift from Alyssa. Its a picture of me holding her when she was frist born, and on the inside on frame on the matting are her foot prints and handprints in all different colors , i hung it ight next to my computer desk :). PD got me a pad for the computer with a pencil so i can do my photoshop stuff easier than with an awkward mouse. Took a picture of a picture 😛 for you to see and it was taken with the crap cammera so its dark even with photo shop


          That’s a really cute picture Necron! Happy Father’s Day. =)

          I got my father some hot sauce. XD It’s called The Source, and is the hottest natural additive on Earth! According to the box. XD 17 million Scoville units. He tried it immediately, of course. >.>; There are videos on Youtube of people screaming for water (stupid as that is – use vodka!) after trying it, but he kept his seat!

          I also got him a shocking pen (which I think will be the woe of his office ladies) and an “Old Guy” coffee mug. XD


            That’s an awesome pic, Necron! Happy First Daddies Day! May you have many, many more!



              What a great present!!! 🙂


                That was the best present you could have received

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