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    Happy Easter to my Windstone Family!


    Well this Easter bunny is pooped! Got “Easter” baskets (technically backpacks) prepared for 6 kids.

    Actually they are really cute. They had these Sesame Street string backpacks for $1 each at Target, so I grabbed those, then some really cute stuffed animals for $3.99 ea, then some chocolate bunnies, M&M filled plastic eggs, put together special metallic eggs with $5 each in them, and for the older 3 kids added some RoseArt pocket posters.

    Each one cost about $12, including the $5 cash gift, so not bad if you ask me.

    Tomorrow the Easter bunny will put out colored eggs, and some plastic eggs with candy for an egg hunt.

    And we’re having everyone over for a turkey dinner, with stuffing, green beans cooked with bacon and onions, mashed potatoes, salad, and various finger foods. With brownies and chocolate chip cookies for later.

    It should be a pretty fun day, and the weather just might cooperate, that would be cool.



      Happy Easter!!! HAHAH!! I got here first!! 😛 So… does anyone know if boiling an already hard boiled egg has any bad effects?


      why would you want to? O_o


        Leigha wrote:

        why would you want to? O_o

        Well, I boiled them for Justin last night and my mom boiled them for Justin this morning. They are well boiled.


        LOL that’s funny 😀 that’s what sticky notes are for ^^

        I have no idea if it does anything more…can you over cook a boiled egg? 😀


        Hope everyone has a good one. I was gonna get my tattoo touched up, but they flaked out on me again. I am not going back to that place again. My BF and I are gonna go to his friend’s house for dinner. And Ski that is funny. I am not sure if it will ruin the eggs or not. At least Justin can dye them and find them if you guys still do that. 😀


        I think I want a tattoo. My brother and sister want me to get one, and my brother said he’d pay for half of what it cost. I want a dragon, but I haven’t seen any that I want to look at on my body the rest of my life…I also don’t know where I want it. hmm…

        Happy Easter Everyone!

        I hope it’s awesome 😀


          Ski, it could only happen to you. 😆



            Happy Easter!


            Happy easter everyone!!! another day to fill up on a whole lot of food…at least that’s what’s happening today with me and my family!

            My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


              skigod377 wrote:

              Leigha wrote:

              why would you want to? O_o

              Well, I boiled them for Justin last night and my mom boiled them for Justin this morning. They are well boiled.

              I would think they would be Hockey pucks by now then. Crack one and see what happens


                Well, Ski, I think the worst thing that would happen would be really chewy egg salad if that’s what you do with the eggs afterwards. 😆 😆 😆


                Blessed Easter, everybody!
                We just got back from a church retreat in Würzburg Germany – it snowed all weekend and it still snowing now. Merry March…

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