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      Happy Birthday!! ^^


        Happy Birthday! Many Happy returns of the day! 😀


          HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


            Happy Birthday, PT!


              H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !


              I hope you had a great one with your family.


                Happy Birthday!! (A little late:)


                Awww! Thank you guys so much for all your well wishes! Very much appreciated that ppl Ive not met face to face would be wishing me so well. Very kind which is why I love it here.

                Like Dragoness remembered, I was with my family for the weekend which is why my appreciation of this thread is a bit late. Im so use to being signed in automatically from my own computer and when I realized I hadnt brought (or remembered) my password list to anything, I knew it was pointless to sign online. Besides, had I seen all this yesterday and not been able to respond, Id have been pulling whats left of my hair, right out!

                My family and I had an agreement that on this birthday (we are/did treat it as though it were my last based on the doctors timeline and how my body has responded- or not responded to any treatments), I wouldnt get anything that couldnt be used or consumed, etc, within a year. Save for the special Windstones that as you know by now, are in my Will and will go around my urn. My brother in law did get a Grand Unicorn (wht) and as some of you have read recently, my sister in law got the FLion (and the seller is refunding $55 to her based on the photos of the flaws she missed… see other thread about that). Sure, there are few other very special and specific Windstones Id like to have to add to those Guardians, but they arent available yet anyway, nor do I velive I’ll be around to see some of them come to fruition! But thats alright. I know from the Gallery of “To Do”, what Id love & Im sure my family will get whatever I dont have in hand when I pass, and add it at a later date around the urn.

                So I was showered with my favorite brand of candles… tons of Yankee candles is a zillion scents. Im very big on aromatherapy and simply enjoying scents in general (which is why my Windstones some of you have bought smell so good)! They gave me tons of bottles of this alcohol based scented liquid that goes into these French lamps (Berjaire lamps… thats how it’s said but likely not how it’s spelled). Lamps I have had over the years and are initially expensive but I wont sell them on eBay as mom is hooked on them too so they will go to her. But for now, I have tons of bottles of scent to load them up with and enjoy.

                PLUS… THANKS TO DRAGON MASTER!!!!… when I mentioned to my family about The Secret… wouldnt you know that unbeknownst to me, they snuck right out to Barnes and Noble and bought me the audio CD of The Secret. They decided on that since my eyes have a trying time as my illnesses progress and reading is often difficult (despite my presence here). It will be much easier to listen to; even listen to and fall asleep too. I absorb what I hear while Im sleeping, very well. Whatever is on the TV while Im sleeping, gets incorporated into dreams a lot! Plus, for you ppl still in school… I use to tape my notes to classes and go to sleep listening to my notes on my Walkman. Woke up still feeling as though I didnt study enough but no word of a lie, I would ace the tests that had notes I listened to while sleeping. Was easy to be a honor student through HS and college…. try it. I’ll listen to The Secret while conscious of course, but will also listen to it while sleeping as well. Cant hurt!

                We also saw Harry Potter and my being such a Potter Head, I loved the movie to the fullest! Afterwards it was out to a huge Sushi dinner… my favorite! Once home we ambled down memory lane via photos, videos & storytelling where both happy & pending sad tears were shed by everyone. But it was all good. It was simply great to be in the company of my local family (everyone else called on the phone) and friends and feel all that love. I couldnt ask for a better birthday so I was a happy little Leo!

                Ending up my story now (which I made in larger type to help you avoid going cross eyed at my length here), thank you again for being my online friends and family and extending your hearts with your birthday wishes. I just wouldnt be me if I only said “thanks guys” alone. Not that thats bad at all- dont misunderstand… but Im a natural writer and love to type which 99% of the time leads to tangents and rambling. I just figure you can scroll down if youre bored or click you “Back” button! 😆 Thanks again everyone for remembering me!
                XXXOOO <3 <3 <3


                  I’m glad you had such a GREAT b-day. sorry this is late. I HOPE the Secret helps in some way.I have been trying to keep the positive thought going and it seems to be helping me along the way. I do not fear the small stuff anymore. I hope it has some sort of healing process for you. Please keep us updated!!


                    Happy Belated Birthday!


                    Happy Birthday!


                    Thank you guys! We’re celebrating the whole week so no one here is belated! 😉


                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    Thank you guys! We’re celebrating the whole week so no one here is belated! 😉

                    Well that’s good 😆 Happy (not belated!) Birthday! I’m glad you enjoyed your “family date” so much 😀

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