WOOT!! I did get more than one!! 😯
My mom snuck on here somehow and scooped up one of the last brown hatching emperors to match my brown kinglet, in addition to the Guinea pig I initially asked for. I was sad that all the little emps got bought up before I could nab one (want the whole trio in brown) but now I know… 😀
And on top of that, my sneak-tastic little buddy Neko_Vash_Fly got me a PYO unicorn! That’s no fair, I have no idea how I wnat to paint her yet but I want to paint it anyway 😆
Oh, and it gets better. Instead of the ice cream cake from Dairy Queen I asked for my mom one-up’ed me and got an entire pan of tiramisu from Olive Garden! 😯 I’m an addict on that stuff, I swear… though I can’t bring myself to ask her how much it cost…