Happy Birthday Greater Basilisk !!!!!

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      HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€




      Wow, all the wishes! Thank you all so much.
      I had a great birthday. On Saturday we went on an easy hike (we’ve got a guest here from Oregon, ad we’re still breaking him in to the idea of walking everywhere πŸ˜› ) along the River Reuss. The weather was sunny and mild, and we saw a storks’ nest with both adults on the roof a farmhouse we passed. That was neat.
      Afterwards we stopped at a restaurant for dinner, and then I opened my gifts in the evening. I got a gift certificate from Windstone (thank you, star! <3), half dozen new books, a DVD nature documentary of raptors in Poland, some jewelry of cultured pearls (including earrings, which is weird since I don't have pierced ears, but whatever πŸ˜† ) and several hundred franks which I'll put into customizing my Buell.
      Yesterday I had a great time – about 8 hours – just driving and hanging out. It was a good birthday. πŸ˜€


        That sounds like a great Birthday. I would love to see the storks’ nest: -) Now you need to get your ears pierced. πŸ˜†


          It sounds like you had a great weekend!!! I’d love to see the stork’s nest too. πŸ˜€ And it won’t kill you to pierce your ears!! πŸ˜› πŸ˜†


          Ugh, but I neer wear jewelry! I wore a couple rings for a while, because they were gifts from special people, but I quit that when I got my motorcycle. It was a nuisance to wear them in the gloves. If I got my ears pierced to wear those pearl earrings, I’d barely ever wear them anyway because I can imagine they’d be really uncomfortable inside my helmet. πŸ˜›


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Ugh, but I neer wear jewelry! I wore a couple rings for a while, because they were gifts from special people, but I quit that when I got my motorcycle. It was a nuisance to wear them in the gloves. If I got my ears pierced to wear those pearl earrings, I’d barely ever wear them anyway because I can imagine they’d be really uncomfortable inside my helmet. πŸ˜›

            LOL Now that sounds like the GB I know πŸ™‚ But one day you’ll go somewhere special and nice and you’ll be glad you have pearls πŸ™‚ I feel like a horrible friend! I didn’t even know it was your birthday πŸ™ I’m going out tomorow, so don’t be surprised if something shows up in the mail πŸ™‚

            but uh, BONNE ANNIVERSAIRE GB!!! πŸ˜€


            Aw, don’t feel bad, Wolfen! It was a great early birthday gift to hear the date you’re coming over! I’m so looking forward to that. πŸ˜‰

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