Happy Belated Birthday GB.

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    Well I wrote it down in my calendar, but I have been away. So I hope it is correct.

    Happy Happy Birthday.

    Tell us what you received, what you did. etc….



      Oh my gosh, you’re right, dragoness! Happy Belated Birthday GB! It was Friday, right? Hope you did something fun and got some Windstones.


        YES!! HAPPY HAPPY!!


        Aw thanks, you guys, especially for remembering, dragoness. Yes, my birthday was on Friday, but it wasn’t such a party day because I left for school at at 0715 hours and with aerating afterwards didn’t get home until 2030 hours. On the way back from the building site my brother and I picked up some DΓΆners for supper. I wanted DΓΆners so Mom wouldn’t a big fancy meal which I’d have to clean up the dishes for afterwards. The plan worked. We had our DΓΆners and fruit salad and it didn’t leave many dishes.
        Gifts – I got to unwrap one Windstone, my EmPea curl which I’d set aside for the day. But that’s okay, because pip’s emerald OW will be here any day.
        Stef gave me Ice Age 2 on DVD and Mom gave me a sketchbook and a pearl necklace for the “college homecoming party,” which is rather πŸ™„ because I don’t like wearing jewelry at all. Joshua gave me some .223 stripper clips which fit perfectly to the couple rifles I treated myself to for my B-Day.
        On Sunday then we went up our favorite mountain, the Rigi. The brothers and I wanted to board for the first time this season but it turned out the lifts weren’t running and the 15 cm of snow was wet. We did some free-riding but ripped up our boards pretty bad so it wasn’t so great. At least we had a good meal at the restaurant.


        Happpeeeee birthday! πŸ˜€


          Happy B-day!!! Sorry we forgot! I thought it was today… the 29th. πŸ™


          Today’s the 30th, Ski. πŸ˜† That’s okay, you just flipped the last digit.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Today’s the 30th, Ski. πŸ˜† That’s okay, you just flipped the last digit.

            I remember we were early a few days ago and now we are late. πŸ™


              Happy Belated Birthday GB!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful year!!!!



                That is too cool!!!!! πŸ˜†


                I love that dragon, ruff. That’s so me! πŸ˜† I don’t like parties much. Where’d you get it?

                skigod377 wrote:

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Today’s the 30th, Ski. πŸ˜† That’s okay, you just flipped the last digit.

                I remember we were early a few days ago and now we are late. πŸ™

                That’s okay, Ski! Don’t feel bad. It wasn’t a golden birthday or anything special like that. πŸ˜€


                  Happy Birthday…

                  Where’s my presents????

                  😈 😈


                  Happy Birthday!!

                  Ruffian- I LOVE that dragon pic!!!

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