DreamingTreeStudio here!
I thought I had posted here before, But I scrolled through all welcome posts here and couldn’t find myself 😕
Anywhoo, I will do this again. I am a Windstoner going waaay back! But alas…I was quite shy. 15 ‘ish’ years now, maybe even 20. 😳 “Gosh, how time flies!” I never was any real good at this computer stuff, but I learned really quick!
During a rough patch, I had to ..*gulp* pawn most of my pieces. 😥 Desperation is a horrible thing! I had a hatchling, Two large Flap Cats, a Gargoyle Cat, and my Flion, and two small Flap Cats (Which I refused to part with). I had always wanted to get them back, but the pawn shop sold them almost as fast as they arrived. As time passed, I wanted to buy more, but my favorite place to get them went out of business.
After years, I had life to deal with, so I set my dreams on the shelf along with my lonely three, and went about my business.
Modern Technologies are indeed helpful, so I am excited to be here! I have already collected three PYO’s and am awaiting my Male Black Peacock Dragon to arrive for a mate to my lucky raffle win on Cranberry! It is sad she didn’t make the ‘cut’ for new color schemes as her color I think, is rich like a firey Garnet!
It may be some time until I can get around to painting my PYO’s, but I hope to do so soon! :bye: Amanda