Hail storms are no fun at all. Glad you are okay, sorry so much got damaged. I remember a big hail storm that went through Montgomery, AL, in 1988. No fun at all. My parents were lucky that they had a garage the cars stayed in so they didn’t get any damage. It would have been bad if my father’s old Porsche would have gotten dinged.
Gotta love alberta hail storms 😕 That’s some damage it did to your stuff!!! How big were the stones? We had one down here a couple of weeks ago (outside the city thank goodness) that had TENNIS BALL sized stones!
Well.. hail storms are a little fun, just not when the hail is that big 😯 Holy crap that is awful. I hope the insurance goes smoothly and everything gets fixed quick. Also glad everyone is ok. Im gonna have nightmares. Hail is horrible on aircraft 😡
I am also glad that everyone is ok. I can’t believe that it did that much damage. I was shocked that they were that huge. I hope insurance does pay for the damage. 😯
Ouch!! One of those could seriously give you a whack on the head if you were unlucky enough to be hit…Do hailstorms ever kill people? (Remembering the movie “The Day after Tomorrow” …..) I’ve never seen hail any bigger than a marble…wow!