
Had to say goodbye to a fuzzy friend

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    I raised gerbils for 15 years, so I am well aware of how well the little critters can get into your heart. It’s a shame that you had to put her to sleep, but sometimes it’s the best option.

    I would keep a close eye on the other two right now. I found that trios were pretty stable, but when one died the remaining pair didn’t necessarily get on so well anymore. New toys or similar distractions are a good idea, but you might also want to try a mesh cage divider if it works for your cage – it keeps them in sight, scent and company but prevents actual arguments until they adjust to the new status quo. Good luck, and I am sorry for your loss.


      Ohh..I’m really sorry Blue….I know how hard it is and I totally understand how you are feeling…a few years ago I had to say goodbye to my three hamsters. It was a really hard thing for me to do, we actually had to put one of them down too…. 🙁 But at least you were there with her and she wasn’t alonle. I am sure she knew that you loved her 🙂



      My deepest condolences… 😥 although I have not raised small animals myself, I know people who did, and know that they have their own special way of working into your heart. A friend of mine said that they “have larger personalities to make up for their small size”.

      <3 I'm sure Maggie knew she was loved.


        I’m so sorry! 🙁 *Hugs tight*


          I’m so sorry for your loss. Doesn’t matter how large or small they are. We love them and it hurts when they have to go.


            I’m so sorry. **hugs**

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