Guys Like Them Too!

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      Dragon Master wrote:

      I’m one of the computer illeterate ones that does not know how to post pics yet.

      😀 😀 😀 Computer illiterates of the world, unite!!!




        I can take pics and plug the camera into the computer but I have no idea where they go or how to find them. I also lost my e-mail with the photo bucket log on info so I would have to start all over again there too


          I am no guy eather. but my dad likes my windstones. I show him my newest dragons and he always exclaims,” what a pretty gragon!” and even pets them.


          He calls them gragons? Or is that a typo?


            Dragon Master wrote:

            I can take pics and plug the camera into the computer but I have no idea where they go or how to find them. I also lost my e-mail with the photo bucket log on info so I would have to start all over again there too

            I can’t tell 100% without seeing your comp. but usually the camera stores the pics and you open a program that came with your camera you prob. had to upload on your comp. you then click on some bit that tells the camera to transfer the pics to your computor… it will then either store them in a specialized file in the camera program or it will send them to My Pictures/ My Documents or something similar. From there you just use your photobucket account to search your pc and retrieve the picture file…after it’s transferred to PB you can link to it. I hope that helped…I’m in no way an expert myself… 😉


              keschete wrote:


              I said…”honey, I bought some test paint one of a kind pieces…just wanted to let you know…”

              He says…”whatever you want”

              I am not complaining either!!!!

              Wow! I wish my husband was like that.

              Mine thinks $100.00 is too much for a statue. It figures, I had to marry a cheap man. 🙄


              I’ve been with one who thought the same thing Travistie…But then again I have also had the pleasure of being with someone who is male, and does like them. Especially the Wizard Woodlore for some odd reason. 😆



              Thanks for all the great comments and feedback! This is a much larger response than I expected. Sounds like a lot of guys are closet admirers. Like Blade-of-the-Moon I know guys that go for the more viscous looking dragons and other fantasy figures. Personally, I don’t remember seeing any in that style that I would be willing to buy (not to mention spend $100+ on). I have to admit that the first time my wife told me how much they cost I was surprised (and a bit concerned considering we were just starting out and money was really tight – Money still isn’t great but better then back then!). However, looking around at other figures you just don’t get the same quality of feel and attention to detail.



                You also don’t get the Family feel that Windstone has. They have been my first dragon passion since I first saw my very first one way back in 1988


                  If you want nice, collectors quality vicious-looking Dragons, try Enchantica. I draw a lot of parallels between them and Windstone, having started around the same time…I saw both when I was little but even though my mom bought me a couple Windstone pieces, Enchantica was well out of our price range…you couldn’t even hold them in the store..just look through the glass case… 😆

                  Both lines also have great artists that will actually communicate with and care for their fans.


                  I went to the Enchantica website. I can see how some would like the but they’re not really my style. Thanks for mentioning it though!



                    Really the ones on are the new made-in-china pieces and I think the paint work suffers from this…

                    To see the older, better done pieces try here :

                    This one of my favoite pieces :

                    The fellow who owns this site is also looking to put up a Windstone page…maybe we can help him with it. 😉


                      My Male definitely likes Windstones, and we’re trying to infect his cousin and several other of our family members, Male and Female, including our 3 month old son!! 😈


                      My husband really likes the Windstone pieces. Hes been drooling all over the black gold Scratcher I just got a few days ago. There have even been times where I thought about selling a particular Windstone piece and he will talk me out of it because he likes them so much. And I showed him one of the new Red Fire dragons and he loved it, he wants to get one.
                      He collects diecast car models, so he knows what the addiction feels like and appreciates the detail in Windstone’s work- and if I’m having a hard time convincing him to get a piece, I just have to mention the appreciation value and that usually does it lol. He thinks they are good investments.


                        VampireBiscuits wrote:

                        My husband really likes the Windstone pieces. Hes been drooling all over the black gold Scratcher I just got a few days ago. There have even been times where I thought about selling a particular Windstone piece and he will talk me out of it because he likes them so much. And I showed him one of the new Red Fire dragons and he loved it, he wants to get one.
                        He collects diecast car models, so he knows what the addiction feels like and appreciates the detail in Windstone’s work- and if I’m having a hard time convincing him to get a piece, I just have to mention the appreciation value and that usually does it lol. He thinks they are good investments.

                        smart man!! There are a few of us out there

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