Guys Like Them Too!

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    Hi All,

    I’m new to the forum but the forum is not new to me. My wife has been a long time fan of windstones (collecting them since before she and I ever met!) and I like a lot of them too. That’s mainly the reason I’m posting this is to show other guys that might be out there that it’s ok to admit it. From what my wife tells me about this forum most all of the members are female. Come on guys if you’re out there put in a post here to show that guys like them too.

    I’d also like to say that the Silver Sun is my ALL TIME FAVORITE. Too bad there’s only one! Any chance you might do some type of “NEW” oriental dragon in the future?


    Seeking Silver Sun
    (Hi Honey! – You know who this is:) )



      Welcome Seeking Silver Sun….That is so nice what you are doing..I wish my boyfriend liked them as much as you do, although he does not hate them becasue that would be impossible to do but still I think that your wife is very lucky to have a man who loves Windstones as much as she does…. 😀



      I’m no guy, but my dad loves my Windstones 🙂 He buys me one every year… but it sits on his desk until he wraps it up 😆

      Nice to meet you, and welcome to the forum!


        My hubby likes them. Not NEAR as much as me, but he’s partial to my emp and ow. 😀


          Welcome to the Forum!

          My husband doesn’t even notice when I buy new ones and put them out. I’m not complaining, mind you. 😆


            My bf really likes them. They go to him if I die…he said so…

            Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. And I know what problem we all have!! 😈


              I’m not a guy, but I’m most def tomboy- doews that help?

              When I got my first Windstones many years ago, my sister’s ex tried his darndest to get me to let him have them. He LOVED them! Of course, it never happened- go buy your own, Mark! (it was the original green family, and manly Mark was NOT one to go for dust collectors at all, which is what made it funny)

              My fiance I can’t say is into my dragons, but he does appreciate them. i gave him my passwords here so that if something happens to me, he can come here and sell them- he was offended by the idea, and said they aren’t going anywhere. Plus he helped me keep an eye on the store until the old green curlies came out, since I work overnight and sleep days. Don’t think he’d get one of his own, though, unless Melody makes a bald eagle (he’s not into griffins).

              Edit to add just yesterday afternoon, he was asking about the PYOs. He wants to try his hand at them, as well as pressuring me to paint another. I’ll convert him yet! 😈


                I voted….LOL


                Welcome to the forum! As a female, in my experience Ive found that-

                “REAL men love Windstones.”

                …they really do!


                Welcome to the forums! I’m not a guy, but I have run into guys that really like or love Windstones.


                  I am not a guy, but I know some guys that love Windstones: some repeat customers of mine that I see at conventions. The hubby is not into them, but doesn’t mind my collection as long as I don’t go overboard (yeah, right!).


                    I am not a guy either. Don’t really know that many guys, and non of them like the Windstones… or even heard of them. My husband is like Emerald’s. He doesn’t think they’re great, but doesn’t mind them as long as I don’t spend too much money on them.

                    I hope he doesn’t ask how much I won the last Poad auction for. What he doesn’t know… doesn’t hurt him. That’s the way I see it! 😈


                      I am a guy, and my wife is a collector and I have to say I Like them all very much myself, It’s a wonderful collection that we can both enjoy. Most of the windstones that we have were bought by me as a gift to my wife, but truthfully it’s just an excuse to buy them.


                        I’m a guy and I love em’ 😀 I have male friends who think they are nice and realistic but tend to prefer the more vicious Dragons in my collection…like the fire-breathers and open-fang-filled mouths… 😆

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