
Guessing game…

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      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      pegasi1978 wrote:

      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      pegasi1978 wrote:

      Phoenix wrote:

      Yes. Please…Answer. Any hoofers?? COUGHblackfirekirinsCOUGH 😆

      Melody wrote:

      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      I am going to whine now- Meellloodddyy….will there be any hooofffers in the next few daaayyyyysss? Pwease with a cherry on top?? ❓ ❗

      I’m sorry! No more hoof stock before the move. We packed all those molds up a few weeks ago.

      How come hoofers never get any love. 😥

      Sometimes I think our cries for hoofers are ignored. 😥

      I think it’s hard to hear them over all the cries for dragons and griffins.

      Hehe…I think your point was made just now…the excitement for the SK is overwhelming! 😀

      hoofers!!!! HOOFERS!!!!! HOOFERS!!!! Maybe that will help. 😆


      Thanks, Melody! They are beeeeeyouuutiful!


        Star, are you trying to say something? I think you’re being too subtle 😀

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          hmmmmm…..too bad there isn’t a bigger font!!! 😆


            I want new unicorns and kirins!!!


              THANK YOU!!!! THank you!!! thank you!!!!!! I’m soooo excited to see mine!!! 😀 😀 😀


                OH my gosh…25 pages in like 6-7 hours! Crazy! 😯

                Melody, do you know if Olympia is planning to do another Spring Green SK…or maybe there’s one waiting in the wings to be sold?


                  so um… how many Peacock SK’s do you think will show up on ebay within the next few months?


                    Sigh. o.o; I really like that gold SK. *will have to set aside a SK fund* XD


                      I got a Peacock SK. 😯 😀 Funny thing is, I just won a display case that is just perfect for her a few days ago. Perfect timing!

                      Thank you Melody!!!!


                      Oh sure…how’s this for a catch 22? Got to go to work to get money to buy new windstones, and suuuuurrrrre, that’s when the most very favoritist piece comes out, IN THE COLOR I’ve been trying get my hands on for soooooo long that I’ve literally been DREAMING about it, here it is…..and it’s sold out already. **SNIFF**……*SOB*. And had to drive a 250 mile round from NJ to CT and back, and…and….oh never mind. 😥
                      Will there be more? Pleeeeeease? PRETTY PLEEEEEEASE??? With sugar on it??? My 22nd wedding anniversary is at the end of this month….for real.
                      (BAMBI EYES!!)


                        frozendragon wrote:

                        so um… how many Peacock SK’s do you think will show up on ebay within the next few months?

                        No Joke… 😐


                          Serenity wrote:

                          frozendragon wrote:

                          so um… how many Peacock SK’s do you think will show up on ebay within the next few months?

                          No Joke… 😐

                          uh huh for an outragious BIN…like a few other things out there recently…


                          Ya…Imagine that. 🙄 You gotta love the fact they feel they have to do that to the collectors. I wouldn’t buy one from anyone on ebay anyway. Then maybe they will stop that. I can understand if its one you picked up for another forum member and they couldn’t get it from you but most ask here on the forums first, but not the ones who do it on ebay just for profit. 👿


                          WindstoneCollector wrote:

                          Ya…Imagine that. 🙄 You gotta love the fact they feel they have to do that to the collectors. I wouldn’t buy one from anyone on ebay anyway. Then maybe they will stop that. I can understand if its one you picked up for another forum member and they couldn’t get it from you but most ask here on the forums first, but not the ones who do it on ebay just for profit. 👿

                          I agree about that. Extras that you got for another person who fell through I can see, or if you bought it and just didn’t like it when you saw it in person, or something came up where you need emergency cash, but… I guess I think that if Windstone is nice enough to offer things to us here first at a fairly decent price, what makes others think they should turn around and milk someone else to make a profit themselves? Doesn’t seem right. If Windstone wanted to they could put ALL the limited stuff on eBay and make us pay through the nose, and make a lot more than they make by charging us what they do here, but they choose not to. Which is very amazing and kind and very very appreciated!

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