Guess What Happend to me this Afternoon -Update – 2nd Update

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    Oh that’s scary. I’m glad you are okay.


      frozendragon wrote:

      that’s funny….someone tonight suggested moving to Canada….although I think that was to escape the hillbillies….

      You wouldn’t escape them. We have them here too, though, they don’t seem to have as many weapons….


        LOL….well…come visit…..then we can compare which place is worse… 😀


        Hey ya come visit, we got some real special people, but then I live in what is affectionately referred to as Fort Crack, we have a few crack heads, but you start paying 15 bucks to people to work at macdonalds and walmart and what do they expect?


        foxfeather wrote:

        frozendragon wrote:

        that’s funny….someone tonight suggested moving to Canada….although I think that was to escape the hillbillies….

        You wouldn’t escape them. We have them here too, though, they don’t seem to have as many weapons….

        Not all us Rednecks are that bad. We just all are card-carrying NRA members.

        Ever hear of a driveby happening at a redneck bar…? Probably not. It’s cause we’d whip out our guns and blow the son-of-a-gun away! 😛


        That is way scary. My bf’s cousin was shot last week because a person in the car flipped off another person that cut them off. He died as well. There was this one time that I was living in a apartment. There were 3 people involved…a ex-husband, a ex wife and a current bf. The bf was visiting his bf (the ex-wife) and the ex husband was watching the bf and waited until he came out of the apartment and the ex husband shot the bf. The bf was able to get into his car and drive around the corner, but the ex-husband shot him again and killed him. The first shot happened behind my truck. The police wouldn’t let me leave for work because my truck was part of the crime scene. Needless to say I was late that day. But I was feeling lucky because I wasn’t out of the house when the whole thing went down. I didn’t stay very long in that apartment after that either.


          I’m glad they caught the shooters!!! 👿


          I’m glad they got the shooters, too. This is creepy beyond belief.

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