Guess What Happend to me this Afternoon -Update – 2nd Update

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  • #657791

    That’s very scary! 😯 I’m glad you’re safe.


      Glad to hear you’re safe.


      I’m glad you’re safe. Keep your eyes open and watch your back!


        OMG! 😯 I’m glad you’re ok! Be safe.


        OMG I am glad that you are all right that is pretty scary.


        I am so glad you are okay! Our world gets more violent every day! Just thank heavens you were okay! Hugs! Take Care!


          I’m glad you’re ok too….

          not too long ago(a few years)…I was in my room on the computer…..and I heard gunshots…and was like WTF…I went to the living room and asked my sister if she heard it…

          and she thought it was firecrackers…

          and I was like…no way…

          well come to find out…the next block over had a walk by shooting…

          apparently there was a drug deal gone wrong or something….and so the guys drove down the street…and walked down to the peoples house (right across the alley from us)…

          and started shooting the place up….sawed off shotguns….and a couple handguns…

          what’s sad is….when the cops went there….the people were like…don’t worry we’ll take care of it…..

          so it’s kind of like….what is the world coming too….


            frozendragon wrote:

            I’m glad you’re ok too….

            not too long ago(a few years)…I was in my room on the computer…..and I heard gunshots…and was like WTF…I went to the living room and asked my sister if she heard it…

            and she thought it was firecrackers…

            and I was like…no way…

            well come to find out…the next block over had a walk by shooting…

            apparently there was a drug deal gone wrong or something….and so the guys drove down the street…and walked down to the peoples house (right across the alley from us)…

            and started shooting the place up….sawed off shotguns….and a couple handguns…

            what’s sad is….when the cops went there….the people were like…don’t worry we’ll take care of it…..

            so it’s kind of like….what is the world coming too….

            😯 Stories like that make me glad I live where I do. Even in a city of 1 million people we only had 31 murders last year.


              that’s funny….someone tonight suggested moving to Canada….although I think that was to escape the hillbillies….


              Oh my gosh! I am so glad you are safe! I hate it how people will do random drive by shootings, or if it wasn’t random-they could have really hurt innocent people!


                Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you’re okay.


                  How scary…I’m glad you are ok!


                    Thats terrible. So young. He still had time to turn his life around if it was drugs.


                      😯 😯 I’d find somewhere else to shop if that were me. So glad you’re okay.


                      I am so sad to hear of the young man’s demise. When you told me where he was hit, my heart sank, that was likely a fatal hit, but I hoped not. Guess that was vain hope.

                      Drugs are bad news, so many people I know have ruined their lives or that of their children over drugs. It is one of the number one reasons I always steered clear of anyone who used drugs. This includes alcoholics, I had to walk away from a 16 year friendship because she just couldn’t stop drinking and it had changed her so much she was no longer the person I once knew, and I didn’t like who she was now. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

                      I am just very grateful that you are okay, Darjeb. This could have involved more than the people involved, though I wish for the sake of the young man and his family and friends that it had ended better.


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