Guess What Happend to me this Afternoon -Update – 2nd Update

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      You are not going to believe what happened to me this afternoon. I went to Albertson’s (grocery store) and was parking and taking my seat belt off when I heard a gun shot (and I know what that sounds like because my late husband used to take me target shooting to make sure I knew how to use the guns in the house) I automatically ducked my head into the passenger seat and then sat up. It was a drive-by shooting and the man who got shot was in an SUV about three car lengths past me. The person who did the shooting was in a van and shot out of there. I think my knees are still weak. I got out and walked into the store, by the time I got to the door a cop car was there with an ambulance right behind him. They put the man in the ambulance (I thought there were taking him over to JFK) but it headed for Santa Luces High School’s large parking lot. A man in the parking lot said the guy got shot right under his arm pit. Coming back from Albertson’s I saw the ambulance, a no. of cop cars, firetrucks, etc. and the lifeflight helicopter in the school yard and they were loading him on a stretcher into the helicopter and it immediately took off. I don’t think I’ll go over to Albertson’s in the late afternoon again for awhile. Things are getting worse around here that was to close to home. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

      There was a large article in the paper this morning about it and unfortunately the man who was shot died and he was only 20 years old. The paper said it was a drug buy gone bad. The description in the paper varied a little from what I saw(before and after ducking) but there were so many people there that I imagine the police got a large number of different descriptions about what took place

      SURPRISE – the police actually caught the two men who did the shooting!!!!!!!!! somebody got the license no. off the vehicle



          😯 😯 😯 😯 OMG!!! be safe!! That’s really frightening!


            😯 😯 😯 Glad you’re safe! I wouldn’t be visiting there for awhile either! 😯


            Wow, that sounds frightening. I’d be afraid to go shopping after that. Glad to hear that you are safe.


              Jeez-e-peets! I am glad you are safe! How scary. I dont miss that at all.


              😯 I’m glad you are ok and I hope the person who was shot makes it. I would have had to clean the car seat if it had been me!


                😯 How scary that must have been!!! Glad you’re okay! You never know what kind of crazy people there are out there. It’s a real shame this kinda thing happens so often in this world.

                I sure hope that the guy who got shot will be okay too.


                😯 WOW! 😯 That’s really scary, I hope the guy who was shot will be okay! I’m very glad you are safe! 😯


                Sheesh! I am so glad you are okay, and I really hope the guy who was shot makes it, where he was hit is not good.

                I’d stick to shopping earlier from now on for sure.

                Crazy, I am glad I live in a small community, with no large cities anywhere around us. Around here a murder or accidental death is talked about for weeks.



                Holy Peanut Butter!! I’m glad your safe!! That’s really scary!


                  All I can say is 😯 😯 😯 😯

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                  😯 sheesh, that would be enough to make me never leave the house for the rest of my life. O________O


                    Thank heavens you’re okay!!! 😯


                      I’m glad you are OK. Around here that is normal. I hope the victom makes it

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