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    So here it is, the holidays. You are purchasing things from eBay for Xmas. Person you buy item from enblazons what the item is, on the outside of the box. Person for whom the gift is intended is the one who gets the box from the mailperson. Surprise ruined, just great.

    Can I kill something now?



      yes…I will let you borrow my hammer….LOL


      Any way that you can convince the person that the item is not for them? Maybe that you’re just the middleman and someone is buying it from you?


        Send the seller to my bro-in-law (the mortician). We’ll cremate that one along with the one that’s screwing up all the auctions 😈




          Not only is it bad because it’s a gift….what about somebody looking to steal packages? Nothing like telling them what’s inside. πŸ™„


            Exaclty they could of at least figured out a way to disquise it in some way


            I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before. Did you tell the ebay seller that it was a gift?


            I am guessing that they had several items up for auction and just packed them all, then labeled what they were so when they sold they could just ship them out. They just failed their “think about it” save roll.

            I sent them an email suggesting they change how they do that, and mentioned it in the feedback, still positive feedback, but a mention that keeping what it was a secret would have been welcomed.



            πŸ˜† I’ve labeled boxes before with whats in them, I just write it small so I can cover it with the shipping label. If I need to remember whats in it for customs then I’ll stick a post-it on the box.

            Maybe they need better glasses. πŸ˜†

            Still it’s annoying that the person getting it isn’t surprised. Oh well, I’d rather have a label on the side of the box as long as the price isn’t on it.(Custom labels are annoying for that as well, for both price and surprising. I just mailed out one today for someone in the states, they’ll know everything in the box without opening it. They just won’t know brands. πŸ™„ πŸ˜† I just hope they get it before Christmas!)


              Can someone please say POST IT NOTES? What about index cards and tape? πŸ˜‰


              Aw, what a nuisance. Sorry, Kyrin.
              Of course, there’s the opposite end of the spectrum. A friend in the States sent me a gift and of course had to declare what it was. He taped on a note, though, asking the postal service to remove the customs form before delivery.
              They did.

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