Griffin colors

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Me too! Was it one of the ones lined up that you showed us before?

      No! He’s not been seen. He’s hideous. I literally tested all sorts of paints and colors on him. Poor guy.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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      You’re teasing… 😆


        Oh all right– but I did warn you!!!

        He’s mind-numbingly hideous.

        He watches me paint the others with an evil look all the time. It’s creepy.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          Well, I do love his demon eyes! lol


          technically only his haunches are green. his but is white and brown.

          are you goign to pzint over him and give him some dignity?


          Aw, poor guy. He looks like he has evil demons inside of him or something. hehe But I do like it. 😀


            Nice eyes!!! 😀


            Nambroth wrote:

            He watches me paint the others with an evil look all the time. It’s creepy.

            Sort of an evil Muse? You’d really need a big paper cup to cover him! 😆


              Ok. You’re right. That’s ugly! 😆


                I did that to one of my griffins, but I managed to salvage him by painting him all black and starting over.


                I do love those eyes! What do they consist of?


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  I do love those eyes! What do they consist of?

                  Photoshop. 😆

                  He’s ugly huh?! He was supposed to get trashed after I mutilated him (I had to test different kinds of paints and brushes, etc) but I keep him around as a reminder of where I came from!

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    Resplendant griffin? I can’t remember what they look like.

                    Nam, how could you! That poor creature…. 😥
                    He looks like he ate one too many radioactive rabbits.


                    Nambroth wrote:

                    So, it looks like the majority has it with natural colorations, but with touches of color added? Like what I’ve been doing! 😀
                    I was thinking of doing a mostly grey/white/black one with blues on it. What do you think?

                    Sounds great! What color eyes would he have?


                      mimitrek wrote:

                      Nambroth wrote:

                      So, it looks like the majority has it with natural colorations, but with touches of color added? Like what I’ve been doing! 😀
                      I was thinking of doing a mostly grey/white/black one with blues on it. What do you think?

                      Sounds great! What color eyes would he have?

                      Eye color is usually the last thing I decide- after all is said and done, all painted and sealed, I sit there for about an hour or two and argue with myself over what color eyes to give them! 😆

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:

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