Griffin colors

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    I like natural with hints of other colours. But, then I also like vivid wild colours. What I like, I like. I’m just ecleptic. (spelling?)



      1 : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles
      2 : composed of elements drawn from various sources


      I myself have never been too keen on the wild colours (being in the Lion King fandom where there’s often neon green lions with wings (flions!) has done that to me) but I like the hits of interference colours. In other words, I like what you’re doing right now. XD

      (This is funny because when people started painting their PYOs all sorts of wild colours I was shocked at all the diversity- I painted mine after my characters that were based off real birds of prey! For a while I was contemplating getting another one to just attack with colour. ;-9 I think if Nam presented a wildly coloured griffin there’s a good chance I’ll like it despite anything I’ve said earlier. :D)


        Awwwww, I’m the only one who voted for gray???? You would do gray PERFECTLY, Nam…

        …though of course, as you know, I’ll try and buy all your griffins, no matter how you dress them up! ;P

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


        I like gray too!

        But I voted for the first option since I also like brown and other natural colorations.


          I really like the natural tones on the body but with a bit of flash on the wings.


          I really think the natural color themes (cats, birds of prey, animal variations) are much prettier and really cool. Plus, it seems as if those themes sell MUCH better…on the whole PYO scale with eBay. Although I’m sure anything you paint by this point Nam is going to sell off the charts. 🙂 Hmm..I think that the natural colors with splashes of color would be my next favorite. It IS a piece of fantasy after all. 🙂


            starbreeze wrote:

            I went for ‘natural with hints of other colors’ 😆

            Me, too.


              So, it looks like the majority has it with natural colorations, but with touches of color added? Like what I’ve been doing! 😀
              I was thinking of doing a mostly grey/white/black one with blues on it. What do you think?

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Nambroth wrote:

                So, it looks like the majority has it with natural colorations, but with touches of color added? Like what I’ve been doing! 😀
                I was thinking of doing a mostly grey/white/black one with blues on it. What do you think?

                Sounds pretty to me. I have yet to see you paint anything ugly 🙂


                  Also I have some photos of the Moon Griffin! I’ll get them up in a day or two. 🙂 She’s very pretty.

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                  Could she be anything else if she’s painted by you, Nam? 😉


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Could she be anything else if she’s painted by you, Nam? 😉

                    Don’t make me show you my test paint PYO griffin with the green butt!

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                    My art:


                    Nambroth wrote:

                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Could she be anything else if she’s painted by you, Nam? 😉

                    Don’t make me show you my test paint PYO griffin with the green butt!
                    I wanna see a green butt. hehe


                    Me too! Was it one of the ones lined up that you showed us before?

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