Griffin chicks

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    I devoted one shelf of my curio to Nam’s masterpieces. Partially because they look together and partially so I can drool over them in one place!


    haha, that is a lot of drool to clean up. πŸ˜†


    Here’s the sunrise chick with his proud father! πŸ˜€


      OMG so CUTE!!!!


      Aw, very nice. πŸ˜€


      πŸ˜€ Awwwwww, they look just wonderful together!


      they look spiffy together! πŸ˜€ glad they are a pair.


        Father and Son back together! That is such a lovely photograph.

        I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


        Now the father and son really go well, not so sure ont he mother and chick though. Glad they have all gone to good homes though 8) πŸ˜€


          Those are great photos! So glad you enjoy them! πŸ˜€

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          They are great together! But I think something or someone is missing in the photo – if you ever want to unite the family (in NJ) let me know! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


            I assume this reunion will take place at your house? πŸ˜†


            Mwahahaha! Yes, I think they would be very happy in NJ – jokes aside we do have very nice beaches and farmland! I think NJ could become a sanctuary for griffins! πŸ˜†


              Alcyone wrote:

              Here’s the sunrise chick with his proud father! πŸ˜€

              You dont need both of those… *Here chickychickychicky* 😈 Your male looks different to me in your pics. I think this pic may look better. (No offense Nam:)


                That Male Sun Griffin is one gorgeous griffin! Congrats on both of them.

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