
Griffin Chicks: Crouchers VS Sitters

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    I seem to be in the minority when I say I prefer the crouchers to the sitting griffin chicks. I think their little booties are too cute.

    But it seems the sitters go much, much faster from the store. Care to share your opinions on which you prefer and why?



    Hmm i don’t seem to be able to vote, oh well. I brought a sitting chick to go with my black male, but i think the crouching one is the cutest. πŸ˜€ Love them both really!


    Oh yay, it has let me vote now. It just decided it was going to show me the results to begin with πŸ™„


    Tempermental little gadget, aint it?! πŸ˜†


      I prefer the pose of the crouching chick, but I buy them in pairs.


        Well, I have not seen a croucher in person, but I do think the color schemes show to better advantage on that sculpt. The sitting chick is adorable… I just like the animated one more.


        I love ’em both ^.^ Tough I currently only have the sitting wolf chick, but that will change hopefully by christmas. XD;


        I prefer the sitting chick. While I think the croucher is very cute, something about it bugs me. I can’t even say what.


          I’m slightly (not much) partial to the sitting chick. he just looks sooo serious for such a little guy! πŸ˜€


            I love them both. They reprensent (to me) the innocent look you get in kittens, and the ready-to-pounce-but-I’ll-probably-end-up-falling-on-my-face look you see in the very young kitties.

            When the black sunsets come out, I’m getting the whole family!

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            dragonmedley wrote:

            When the black sunsets come out, I’m getting the whole family!

            Well, I just have to! Theres no way around that! My bachelor needs his mate and ankle biters! πŸ˜†

            not that I wouldnt have gotten them anyway as they are black, after all!


              I like the sitting chick best, but I buy them in pairs. I just bought the black set and finally the wolf set yesterday. I’m glad Windstone will be coming out in more colors for them.
              I wish I could let myself buy one of Nam’s creations, but I just can’t justify it cause then I would have to make certain I won a pair. Then my husband would probably make me sell a pony and that just isn’t happening!


                It’s a tie for me. The sitting chickie is so prim and proper, and the crouching chickie is so cute and playful… and he has that little plushy bum πŸ˜†


                  Wow, as of when I posted this it’s a three-way tie! πŸ˜‰

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