
Green, Violet, Blue Trio of Dragons Candlelamps in store!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Green, Violet, Blue Trio of Dragons Candlelamps in store!

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    if anyone wants one, i’ll sell the one i ordered for store price. i was too excited and purchased one before my conscience kicked in… 😳 hehe


      I am very happy that these will be production, because I want one! (Jeeminy, I miss the site for two days, and something ultra-cool comes up . . . . 🙄 ) This is a beautiful color combination–I really, really like it. And, being a color fiend, I wonder what a “warm trio” might look like next to it. 😉

      Crikey, we just made an offer on a house; this is not the best time for me to be drooling! 😳


        Why is it whenever I am not trolling around in the store is when something cool comes up? le sighhhh. Oh Well ’tis probably for the best I really should be saving money 🙄 But hey I haven’t bought any new Windstones for at least a month! My last treasure was a pink lap from another forum user. Not buying one like every week takes some restraint on my part 😆 At least it will come up again as a production piece. 8)


          I’m happy that they’ll be production as well! Certainly am not able to snag one now so it’s good to know that this will be made available to your dealers! 🙂


            Congrats to everyone who got one! I was going to mope that I missed out, but I’ve decided I prefer the stone finish in this case.


              Six more in the store – 6/21 😀


                There are 3 in the store at the moment- please somebodies come and buy them so I won’t be tempted any more!
                Must tell myself really can’t afford it; it would make much more sense to find a dealer in driving distance to get one from since I’m so far away from Oregon and shipping to here costs plenty…


                *snif* 😥 Me wants…

                PLEASE someone post pics when they get theirs!! Congrats to you guys!!


                  Wow, I finally got to take a look at this and I am glad I did. I love those colors!


                    I love it in the stone finish but the color… *swoons* that just went to the top of the list (unless, of course, there will be more griffy chicks on ebay) 😀

                    twindragonsmum 😀



                      Susie wrote:

                      The new iridescent Cool colored Trio of Dragons Candlelamps are ready now! Here’s a link to them in the store: https://www.windstoneeditions.com/shop/product.php?productid=350&cat=0&page=1&featured

                      At this moment we plan for this to be a production color – available through our dealers.

                      You have NO idea how relieved I am to hear that it’s going to be production! I LOVE this piece in color, and now I’m so glad I waited rather than buy the stone-finish one a while ago…

                      So thrilled! 🙂

                      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                      So, just so I have this right. Even though I missed the first few in the store, there will be more coming in the future?

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