Green Fledglings Up On eBay

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    pipsxlch wrote:

    Another is there a spare? My boyfriend proposed this week, so I’ve been rather distracted and haven’t been online at all and never saw them.

    CONGRATULATIONS on the proposal!!!


      Thanks so much! It shocked me; I mean, I knew he loves me, he says it often enough, but I never expected…
      Think I can ask him for a fledgling as an engagement present lol?


        YIPPI!!! They are here and they are the cutest that I own! I just realized that this guy is the only one I have in original green πŸ™‚ I have got to say that I adore this color! I think a Lap would look magnificent painted like this, but I am happy with this fledge. WSC and Snap, yours will be mailed out tomorrow!! πŸ˜€


          I LOVE mine too but to this group I would think that would be obvious


            Dragon Master wrote:

            I LOVE mine too but to this group I would think that would be obvious

            Oh, trust, me! We know!


            w00h00!!! Green Fledgie!!! I’m so excited and I haven’t even seen mine!!! πŸ˜† 😳


              well at least I do not have to beg for one anymore


                skigod377 wrote:

                WSC and Snap, yours will be mailed out tomorrow!! πŸ˜€

                Woop.. unfortunately, they will have to stay in the box with my others until I have a workable office again. I did get some for Christmas, but they haven’t seen the light of day.


                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  WSC and Snap, yours will be mailed out tomorrow!! πŸ˜€

                  Woop.. unfortunately, they will have to stay in the box with my others until I have a workable office again. I did get some for Christmas, but they haven’t seen the light of day.

                  You have got to pull it out and LOOK at it at least!! They are all SOOOOO cute! And after that long trip.. locked up in that dark box inside those suffocating bags… you will have to pull them out to give them some reasurance πŸ™„


                    I’m sure they’ll be fine as long as you pack a bunch of your love in with it.


                    I bet the tape and bag take me about 5.5 seconds to get open! πŸ˜†


                      I would bet less!!


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        YIPPI!!! They are here and they are the cutest that I own! I just realized that this guy is the only one I have in original green πŸ™‚ I have got to say that I adore this color! I think a Lap would look magnificent painted like this, but I am happy with this fledge. WSC and Snap, yours will be mailed out tomorrow!! πŸ˜€

                        they still look like toads to me… 😯


                        πŸ˜† Thank you. I was wondering what it was they reminded me of. Toads. Of course. I just picked mine up today. I love the colour. I’m not that charmed by the fledgeling. I’m thinking of trading now. I don’t know if I will or not.


                          frozendragon wrote:

                          skigod377 wrote:

                          YIPPI!!! They are here and they are the cutest that I own! I just realized that this guy is the only one I have in original green πŸ™‚ I have got to say that I adore this color! I think a Lap would look magnificent painted like this, but I am happy with this fledge. WSC and Snap, yours will be mailed out tomorrow!! πŸ˜€

                          they still look like toads to me… 😯

                          Awww…I love my little green fledge….

                        Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 193 total)
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