Green Fledglings Up On eBay

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    Ski, I missed this thread….for a couple days, i worked and slept for most of them. Do you still have that extra? Or did Nirvana out-snipe me again? 😆


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Ski, I missed this thread….for a couple days, i worked and slept for most of them. Do you still have that extra? Or did Nirvana out-snipe me again? 😆

      They are really very cute in person I hope you can get one


      I just love green… 😳
      I keep looking at that green Emporer Bt’s has up on ebay for $549.99 BIN…*rubs hands together waiting for W2’s* I figure I will have about 2k to spend then. 😯 But I will be after some of the Brown peices as well…But mostly anything Green!!! 😆


        I have my W2 I just need my mortgage statments and 401K withdrawl statment


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          Ski, I missed this thread….for a couple days, i worked and slept for most of them. Do you still have that extra? Or did Nirvana out-snipe me again? 😆

          Yup! Have you asked Karen, though? If she has another, it would get shipped right to you. If she doesnt, I can sell you the extra, but it would have to come to me first and I would ship it to you.


          I PM’d you again Ski… 🙂


            since we are all forum members can Karen just ship it direct to WC??


              Dragon Master wrote:

              since we are all forum members can Karen just ship it direct to WC??

              A little while ago, Melody requested that we not do that because it creates a lot more work for Karen.

              See this post:


                littleironhorse wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                since we are all forum members can Karen just ship it direct to WC??

                A little while ago, Melody requested that we not do that because it creates a lot more work for Karen.

                See this post:
                OK I seem to remember that now


                  Does someone have a spare fledge to sell or trade? Does anyone think any good would come of asking Karen?


                  I know at least one person got hers directly from Karen. I’d ask her (Karen) first.


                    Another is there a spare? My boyfriend proposed this week, so I’ve been rather distracted and haven’t been online at all and never saw them. The original green is my favorite color.

                    Know everyone probably disagrees, but I wish some of these prototypes (fledglings, curlies etc.) would come up on regular auction so that those of us who can’t be online at the right times might have a chance to bid. I’d have gladly paid more than $100 for the fledgling, or $60 for the curlie.


                    Congrats. They are starting a mailing list so ppl will have a less chance in missing things.


                    Congratulations on getting proposed to, pip!


                      YAY! Another wedding!! *Gets on bachlorette party pants*

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