Grand Unicorn is back, (I think)

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      Still, the difference is obvious… I was a little disapointed when I saw that. I had been wanting to get some equines at some point in the future, but with the size difference between the pegasus and the unicorns, I’m not sure I will.

      Same reason that I don’t really like the curlies or the hatching royalty… They don’t really fit in with the rest of the family.

      Okay, I’ll admit that the SK also doesn’t fit, size wise. But she is just too magnificent for criticism 😉


        SilverArrow wrote:

        TY for the picture, SilverArrow. Even 2 inches makes a big difference; the rearing pegasus looks like a dwarf next to the unicorn (well, maybe not that extreme).

        littleironhorse wrote:

        Same reason that I don’t really like the curlies or the hatching royalty… They don’t really fit in with the rest of the family.

        Just out of curiosity, you see the curled/coiled dragons as being of the same family as the larger production dragons? I always envisioned them being a separate family and a different (and smaller) breed from the larger dragon family. I guess that is the story I created so I wouldn’t mind the size discrepancy.


        SilverArrow wrote:

        Sorry, I didn’t make my bed. 😳

        don’t worry. you should see the shambles my bed is in! 😯


          Lokie wrote:

          littleironhorse wrote:

          Same reason that I don’t really like the curlies or the hatching royalty… They don’t really fit in with the rest of the family.

          Just out of curiosity, you see the curled/coiled dragons as being of the same family as the larger production dragons? I always envisioned them being a separate family and a different (and smaller) breed from the larger dragon family. I guess that is the story I created so I wouldn’t mind the size discrepancy.

          Well, your version does make some sense, and I understand that many people are happy with the smaller/less expensive pieces, but I’m just not crazy about them.

          One major reason I fell in love with Melody’s dragons in the first place was size. Way back when, there just weren’t any dragons of that size available. Still none that can compare today!

          Edit: I guess I didn’t answer your question 😆 …So to answer: Yes, I am tempted to view them as part of the same family, after all aren’t they a color match for the larger dragons? I don’t know, something about them just bugs me.

          But hey, wouldn’t it be boring if we all liked the exact same things? 😉


          Thanks for the comparison pic, SilverArrow. I didn’t realize they were so different.


          Think of it this way, Pegasi are flying horses, they need to be smaller so they can fly.

          Hence why they are smaller than the unicorns. As long as they are related in size relative to each other, I have no issues with the pegasi, but I don’t care for the rearing one all that much, I prefer the mother, foal and hatching ones the best. The male just seems to be missing something, not sure what.



          Kyrin wrote:

          Think of it this way, Pegasi are flying horses, they need to be smaller so they can fly.

          Or it could by the same type of breed difference as between a Haflinger and a Freiberger. Some breeds are just bigger.


            littleironhorse wrote:

            But hey, wouldn’t it be boring if we all liked the exact same things? 😉

            Yup 🙂


              I should have also noted that the difference in size between the mother unicorn and pegasus are comparatively the same as for the male pegasus and grand unicorn. But it gets really interesting when it comes to the babies. The babies are similiar sizes, I want to say the baby pegasus is slightly larger. The hatching pegsus however, is quite large compared to the pegasus mother. There are some size descreptancies to be sure. I guess I should take some more pics… 😆

              At Melody’s house she had a rearing white pegsus next to a male unicorn that were holding unbrellas, and they appeared to be the same height.

              I would love to show a pic of the size difference, but I can’t bring myself to purchase the male uni (the pose is just not dignified enough for a unicorn). Yea, I’m weird that way. 😉


              Thanks for posting the pics. They help me better as I am a show person and not a tell person.


                I don’t care for the sitting up poses- they just don’t seem right on an equine. The rearing ones (like in the pic) seem fine to me.

                my coil/curlies are a separate species- kind of like fire lizards. They are the only ones that I think I’d like to keep in the emerald/empea. The original family are different enough in sculpt that they are a separate species as well; the emperor is a subspecies of them. While the royal hatchlings are yet another. (maybe the same as the SK?)


                  SilverArrow wrote:

                  I should have also noted that the difference in size between the mother unicorn and pegasus are comparatively the same as for the male pegasus and grand unicorn. But it gets really interesting when it comes to the babies. The babies are similiar sizes, I want to say the baby pegasus is slightly larger. The hatching pegsus however, is quite large compared to the pegasus mother. There are some size descreptancies to be sure. I guess I should take some more pics… 😆

                  At Melody’s house she had a rearing white pegsus next to a male unicorn that were holding unbrellas, and they appeared to be the same height.

                  I would love to show a pic of the size difference, but I can’t bring myself to purchase the male uni (the pose is just not dignified enough for a unicorn). Yea, I’m weird that way. 😉

                  Here ya go! Now you don’t have to.


                    You’re unicorns and pegasi are so pretty!!! 😀


                      Thank you! I also took a picture of my black and white young unicorns that I didn’t post since there isn’t a corresponding pegasus piece. I may turn it into a new signature though.


                        That sounds like a great idea. That would be perfect for you. 😀

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