Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14

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  • #920851
    Celestial Rainstorm

      Oh my goodness! They are both just insanely gorgeous! What a fantastic snag!

      Finding happiness again.


        Here are my two newest foxies!

        I traded for the lavender/grey fox as she is very similar to the store photo one that I love, I love this coloring so much, so pretty!! The other is a light summer coated, mid-tone grey Arctic that I received last week, I like him more than I thought I would!

         photo sugar_zps7c8019da.jpg
         photo Capture_zps99025807.jpg

        *Formerly meowmix101
        Not currently open for PYO commissions.


        Here is my little arctic fox.
        he is really cute. nearly white with some light brown highlights.


          So, about three days ago the mail guy came and knocked on the door just as I was about to dash off to work. Since the last time he came I had had to pay customs (yelp!) and I didn’t have money on hand, I did the craven thing and hid like a coward. Having recently ordered a photo print, this is what I expected was coming in the mail – so I was very, very surprised this morning when I finally took the package slip that the mailman left on my door knob to the post office and received a very not-photo-shaped square box instead of a poster tube or photo mailer. I looked at it as I turned away from the post office desk, frowning and saw the address was Windstone Editions – but I haven’t ordered anything from Windstone since my red fox and small pack of foops which I’m painting for Christmas gifts, so I was confused! I looked at the shipping label closer and it said ‘cast stone fox’ which could only mean a grab bag. I wasn’t even halfway out the door before I’d pulled out my pocket knife, and not halfway across the parking lot on the way to my parents’ truck before I had the box open. I opened up and realized what it was – an ARCTIC FOX! Whoever it is who sent me this, all I can say is:

          I cannot even express how grateful and taken aback I am! <3 Whoever you are, you are amazing!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I never, ever thought that I would ever have one of these little grab bag arctics and I am absolutely amazed that I suddenly have one. Thank you again!!!

          Here he is! He's super pretty and I love him! My mom named him Mossy. 😀 He's going to spend his days chilling next to Victoria, my red fox. 🙂

          My old girl Smoky saying hello!

          Smoky’s paw/front legs in the background haha.

          His colours are very creamy and he kind of reminds me of a marshmallow. I love the touch of copper fur on his head which brings to my mind the coppery highlights found on the ears and muzzles of your typical grey timber wolf. 😀

          His white blaze is very cute!

          Him with Victoria, my red fox.

          …and him with Victoria and Boone, my grab bag pebble wolf, who was my first grab bag as well as first ever windstone!

          Eeee! I love my little pack! Thank you again so much!!

          Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



            That’s so cool! I love hearing stories of people getting surprises like that! Now you have a cute little pebble trio!

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              Awww…. That’s a handsome Pebble pack you have Falcolf! Congrats!


              Congratulations! Your little artic fox fits well into your pack(?). And bless your kindhearted friend. Such a nice surprize!


                I decided to get a second Arctic Fox to see if I could get something different from my first black fox, and lo and behold, I get a twin ><

                I will probably put them both up for trade AND sale. If I don't get a trade I'm super interested in in a couple of days, I'll end up selling one of them 🙂

                First fox I got:

                Second fox I got:

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  I hope it’s random cuz I’ve no actual talent!! Haha!


                    Still rolling the dice on Grab Bag Arctic foxes. I decided that I needed a white fox with dark ears and … voila! (Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket 😉 )

                    I haven’t figured out a good way to photograph the whole troop, but here they are anyway – seven grabs and one purchase (at the upper left). He replaced a reddish fox that I didn’t like and sold. 🙂


                    Still rolling the dice on Grab Bag Arctic foxes. I decided that I needed a white fox with dark ears and … voila! (Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket 😉 )

                    I haven’t figured out a good way to photograph the whole troop, but here they are anyway – seven grabs and one purchase (at the upper left). He replaced a reddish fox that I didn’t like and sold. 🙂

                    Great variety!


                      Here are my special little group of grab bag arctics! I just got the toasted marshmallow one in the front in today. 🙂 The two in the center and one on the left were all ones I got in from the store and the one on the right I purchased from another collector. I’m still looking for a dark black-grey one to complete my collection. If you have one available that you’d be willing to let join my arctic pack, please give me a holler! 🙂

                      .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                        So many gorgeous foxes! This was a really pretty batch! 😀

                        Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



                          Here are my special little group of grab bag arctics! I just got the toasted marshmallow one in the front in today. 🙂 The two in the center and one on the left were all ones I got in from the store and the one on the right I purchased from another collector. I’m still looking for a dark black-grey one to complete my collection. If you have one available that you’d be willing to let join my arctic pack, please give me a holler! 🙂

                          Is it bad that I’m trying to figure out which red foxes you have in the background? lol
                          The arctics are very cute, though! Nice catches 🙂

                          Man, I want another one of these so badly! Darn bills being paid and not having any funds left over! (At least my bills are paid, though! heh)


                            Here are my arctic foxes (They’re been here for weeks, but I’ve just been really busy) I love that I got one dark and one light. Their patterns aren’t super exciting, but they’re still my favorite fox sculpt.

                             photo 2014-10-06114209_zps4c55d8af.jpg
                             photo 2014-10-06114217_zpse6b84824.jpg

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