Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14

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      Ok, so I’ll start this one off. 🙂 I got one red and two arctic!

      Store photo:

      Class photos:


        I got an arctic fox – I’m hoping for a light one or a very dark one 🙂

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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          I was able to purchase an arctic last night thanks to the awesome and sweet Kim! She was like the fairy pebble godmother!

          I really love the fox in the store photo on the far left in a summer coat, I also really like the solid dark ones, and many more now that I’m looking at the class photos lol.

          Here are my top picks, I think the store photo one is still my #1 though:
           photo arctictoppicks_zps7f64f2c2.png

          *Formerly meowmix101
          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


          Wow there are a lot of really white ones haha! I hope to pick one of the later batches up some day to join my incoming red pebble and my tan fennec pebble ^.^ Can’t wait to see everyone’s!


            Oops! Sorry guys. Wrong thread.


              I was able to purchase an arctic last night thanks to the awesome and sweet Kim! She was like the fairy pebble godmother!

              I really love the fox in the store photo on the far left in a summer coat, I also really like the solid dark ones, and many more now that I’m looking at the class photos lol.

              Here are my top picks, I think the store photo one is still my #1 though:
               photo arctictoppicks_zps7f64f2c2.png

              It is funny how they all seem to have different expressions!


                Wow there are a lot of really white ones haha! I hope to pick one of the later batches up some day to join my incoming red pebble and my tan fennec pebble ^.^ Can’t wait to see everyone’s!

                It is hard to see in the class photo but most of the white looking ones are shaded with very light silvery grey, or are white with light grey markings.


                Oh neat, i look forward to seeing close ups ^^

                And you manage to get so many varied expressions on these guys, and the red foxes too! Cannot wait to see what Red fox I get =D You do such great work and I am so happy to once more be able to afford to participate in a Grab Bag


                  I got two! I don’t have favorites for this batch, but I so am exited to see what I get. They are so tiny and cute!

                  Looking for-
                  red fire young dragon
                  old animal line frog, wolf, barn owl, tortoise, tiger cub


                    I only got one of these guys, but I am still hoping that I get something similar to one of these:

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                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      Yey! I was able to get a red and an arctic thanks to having extra money leftover from selling some pieces. I would be happy getting a white one or one with a bit of tan colouring. I think these are so cute! And glad I was able to help you Meowmix101. I wouldn’t have been able to without others here helping me too buying my items so it’s a win win!

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        My Arctic and Red fox (plus Kitsune and Ivory Fennec) have an expected delivery date of Monday. Very soon, yet I still can’t wait! Seems like there is less love for the Arctic fox, but out of the two grab bags yesterday, that’s the one I’m most looking forward too.


                          My Arctic and Red fox (plus Kitsune and Ivory Fennec) have an expected delivery date of Monday. Very soon, yet I still can’t wait! Seems like there is less love for the Arctic fox, but out of the two grab bags yesterday, that’s the one I’m most looking forward too.

                          I think that may be because the Arctics come in less colors and patterns than the Reds, but I’m super excited to get my Arctic none the less!

                          And yay for your foxes coming to you so quickly! Definitely post pics of them when they arrive, I’m absolutely salivating for some in hand pictures lol.

                          *Formerly meowmix101
                          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                            Definitely post pics of them when they arrive, I’m absolutely salivating for some in hand pictures lol.

                            Definitely will do =)


                            I’m terrible, I know, but I saw they still had some in stock and I ordered one >.>

                            I have no idea what I want from the arctic fox! The white ones are gorgeous, but on grab bags I like to get color variation, so maybe one of the white-silver ones, they’re quite darling. And I love the various expressions! I just couldn’t help myself once I saw them still in stock [and I did have a bit of spare cash =D ]

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