Grab Bag Mini Secret Keeper Livestream!

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      These were so awesome! Thank you for streaming! 😀 I didn’t take pictures of my favourites but hopefully whoever gets them takes photos so that I can save them into my Windstone drool picture file haha.

      Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



        All the pics posted so far are ALL Gorgeous!
        I think I’d be happy with any of them… although I’m more partial to the darker colors, I always have been.

        Let the Buying Begin! 🙂

        Since there may be 200 or so, would someone be able to purchase one piece in one transaction/cart, then if GB pieces are still available in the store, go back later, or the next day, and purchase another? Is it only one per person – period? I’m still not sure if the one per person is a ‘per transaction’ or ‘per customer or mailing address or Paypal account’ limitation.

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


          They have a really neat expression! Like they’re thinking, why are you looking at me? Go away, I’m about to do something naughty 🙂

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            I think my favorite is Siri’s 7th choice! :p
            I’m so excited.

            Since there may be 200 or so, would someone be able to purchase one piece in one transaction/cart, then if GB pieces are still available in the store, go back later, or the next day, and purchase another? Is it only one per person – period? I’m still not sure if the one per person is a ‘per transaction’ or ‘per customer or mailing address or Paypal account’ limitation.

            I kinda hope it’s only 1 per person, or at least that people can’t get more than 1 on the first day. Some of us don’t have cell phones and the ability to have a constant eye out for updates! So although I’ll be checking every day (a few times a day if I can!), I could be at work or something when they come out and not make it to a computer for a few or several hours! 🙁


              Oh cool- thank you all! I hope I have enough saved for one.
              I’m really digging this sculpt- I love the wings. Makes me wish it had a PYO twin so we could paint wings like those. That would be fun.
              Ela_Hara, I believe there can be more than one per physical address- we’ve had more than one collector living together. (question came up in raffles) Probably not if they used the same Paypal or store account though. I would imagine if/when the ‘one-per’ is lifted, you could order another then.
              Hah Dragonmedley- he looks like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
              Too bad there don’t seem to be many/any ‘natural’ paint schemes- I prefer those. I wonder if there could be a small later batch of those? Or maybe (pretty please?) a batch in production colors or close to? (I see a peacock…) I’m not a fan of rainbow schemes and where they look like they stuck their noses in a paint jar. I really don’t care at all for all the pastels (ugh! eww haha) and white heads.
              LOVING the wing spots though! They look like butterflies! And if I’m seeing the color right, the coppery is nice. It would be a nice shade in production.
              From the photos, I like Drag0n’s 1st choice, Sirithiel’s #4,#5, and #2, and from her screenshots the last row/2nd from right and 2nd row/2nd from right. Of Sikek’s I like the 6th row on right, 10th row, 11th row, and 12th row on right. That variation on black gold is neat too, and the cooling-lava looking one below it.
              Thanks again, can’t wait to see them all!


              Really i’d be ecstatic to get any of my top 3 XD but there are so many gorgeous ones,

              When it comes to baby unicorns and poads, i’m much more in favor of natural colors. but on dragons, I’m all for the rainbow-y goodness!


                Oh I just saw this now so will have to go back and check the video. It looks like there are some pretty ones! I love anything with rainbow or pastel colours so I am sure I will like a bunch of them!

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  I think it’s neat how we all view them differently!
                  I view my dragons as just sort of winged lizards- really COOL winged lizards, but wild animals nonetheless. As such, they don’t collect jewels in my mythos – the only rocks I have with them are a few coprolites (fewmets). And they’d have to camouflage to hunt and avoid predation.
                  Of course, many lizards are fast moving jewels, sort of blows a hole in my mythos.

                  Phantomess, I agree that I hope the ‘one-per’ is maintained for several days. I also don’t have a smart phone, and no computer access while I’m working. Some people may have 24 on- 48 off or other crazy shifts that can keep them incommunicado for a pretty long time.


                    I’ll try to answer the questions still outstanding as best I can. 🙂

                    Watching the store for other people – You can email Susie and ask her to hold one for someone. They’ll have to pay right away since there are no more money orders, but she did say she would place orders for watchers if they contacted her. However, she’ll take those orders as she receives them and if the dragons sell out before she gets to your request, your watcher might not get one for you.

                    Credit cards/no paypal – This is a COMMON misconception. You CAN pay on paypal without having a paypal account as long as you have a credit card. Windstone uses Paypal for processing all CC transactions so even if you call Susie with a CC number, it will go through Paypal’s system. But you don’t have to set up an account. 🙂

                    As far as having someone else buy on your account – you could probably purchase a gift certificate for yourself and then let someone have JUST your forum log-in rather than giving them your Paypal information. That would be safer if you wanted a friend/family member to watch the store for you with your log-in info.

                    Finally re:selling out – Adult poads lasted over a week (maybe closer to 2 weeks?) and grab bag colts lasted at least 3-4 days. With the MO option removed which requires everyone to actually HAVE the money to place an order AND avoids the issues with people having multiple watchers hold an item for them (we’ve had cases where someone had 3-4 watchers who all held a grab bag for them!), it seems unlikely these will sell out in seconds. I think usually we see about 100-120 of the items go right away, but anything over 130 tends to linger. So with a batch of at least 200, people are probably going to have plenty of time to get these.


                    Thank you, Kiya, for clearing that up.


                      Sooooo….how do you take a screenshot during the livestream? Any help is much appreciated. 🙂

                      Never mind!! I figured it out! Go, me! lol….


                        They’re so gorgeous.How to choose?I just hope I can get one but not looking so good.Good luck in getting choice picks everybody. :bigsmile:

                        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                        Male day🤞Dream on.


                          Does anyone know how much these guys might go for? I don’t have any grab bag anything and I’m crossing my fingers I can get one of these.


                            And to clarify a few more things in Kiya’s message:

                            I cannot promise to hold items for people you are watching the store for – watchers can try emailing me but I make no promises – I’ll do what I can. I believe the Grab Bags will stay in the store long enough for you to contact your friend and they’ll be able to order for themselves.

                            You can pay via paypal using a credit card even if you do not have a paypal account. When you choose credit card as your method of payment, the next screen will be a paypal screen with a button to sign in – I believe that right below that button is small type that says something like “Not a paypal member?” or something along those lines – and if you click on those words you move to a page where you can make a credit card payment as a guest (or visitor) on Paypal. I cannot do this for you, and Windstone is not set up to process credit card payments directly. Please do not call me or email me with a credit card number, I cannot help make your payment. Orders must be paid for on-line at time of purchase (just like other stores).


                              Does anyone know how much these guys might go for? I don’t have any grab bag anything and I’m crossing my fingers I can get one of these.

                              Looking at the last two Grab Bags for smaller items – the GB young Poads which sold for $135, and the GB colts priced at $145 – I would expect these to be between $150 and $175. That is the amount I would try to save if I wanted one, BUT this is only my totally uninformed guess. I could be completely wrong!

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