Grab bag baby Poads

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Grab bag baby Poads

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    I apologize if this question has already come up in another thread, but I was wondering if there might be more Grab Bag baby Poads coming up someday. I love the ones that you painted in all of those bright and brave colors, with designs like feathers and wing shapes on them! (And had the worst luck on the planet, missing them like clockwork each time they were in the Store.) I know that they were a lot of work for you to paint, though, and you’re doing so much on so many projects. Just … if the bug to paint more of those kids happened to nip you someday, I would sure be glad!


    I apologize if this question has already come up in another thread, but I was wondering if there might be more Grab Bag baby Poads coming up someday. I love the ones that you painted in all of those bright and brave colors, with designs like feathers and wing shapes on them! (And had the worst luck on the planet, missing them like clockwork each time they were in the Store.) I know that they were a lot of work for you to paint, though, and you’re doing so much on so many projects. Just … if the bug to paint more of those kids happened to nip you someday, I would sure be glad!

    What Barrdwing said!

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