gothic unicorn up for grabs soon!

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        alrighty i made a juicy find! i have a gothic unicorn coming to me to in a couple of days! i have one already with a chip in the hoof, which i will keep cuz i don’t mind, but this one is alledgedly mint (i think without box )(very competant shopkeeper) and he will either be up for grabs here or ebayed. woot! of course we don’t really know til he gets here, but as soon as he does i’ll post pics (good ones by my dad) so y’all can check him out!!


        tfsculptures wrote:

        alrighty i made a juicy find! i have a gothic unicorn coming to me to in a couple of days! i have one already with a chip in the hoof, which i will keep cuz i don’t mind, but this one is alledgedly mint (i think without box )(very competant shopkeeper) and he will either be up for grabs here or ebayed. woot! of course we don’t really know til he gets here, but as soon as he does i’ll post pics (good ones by my dad) so y’all can check him out!!

        OH MY GOD! I will do anything you want for it!!! Please sweet dragon scales! I want that one sooo bad!!! ANYTHING I TELL YA!!! DIBS!


          ::repeats her mantra::

          I don’t need a Gothic Unicorn… I don’t need a Gothic Unicorn… I don’t need a Gothic Unicorn…

          And yet….

          😯 😯 😯


            i could do a trade for it too, hmmmmmmm what would i like…. of course it does still have to get here in one piece, but i’m not worried as they ship stuff daily. the biggest thing is being sure there are no fleas bites, but it sounds good so far!


              i’m a little at a loss of what to ask if i take money, i paid 85 for mine with the broken hoof about a year ago. what do they go for now, about 120-150 in perfect shape?


                nah not 150 , they go for around 100 or a little more right? i think we need littleironhorse!


                tfsculptures wrote:

                nah not 150 , they go for around 100 or a little more right? i think we need littleironhorse!

                PMed ya…I would be willing to go 150.


                  I have also been in great need for a gothic uni…tho whippet got here first, so I get second dibs! Let me know if whippet can’t get it for whatever reason… I do want one bad!

                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                  -J R R Tolkien


                    will do arlla, whippet does have dibs- we talked some turkey- but you have second and things can come up like you said and it still needs to get here and i have to officially verify its condition in person. i’ll keep everyone posted!! 😀 i love the piece myself so i wanted to be sure i went to someone on here who really wants one. it brings a little more peace to the world.


                      ladybrooklyn wrote:

                      ::repeats her mantra::

                      I don’t need a Gothic Unicorn… I don’t need a Gothic Unicorn… I don’t need a Gothic Unicorn…

                      And yet….

                      😯 😯 😯

                      You need one. Trust me D: I got one of ebay a few months back and I just love him. The detail of the hair is amazing.


                        SOLD to whippet unless something exceedingly crazy of the charts happens!

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