Gothic Unicorn? Anyone!?!

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    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    LOL GB, I really thought I had offended you. 😕 😆 And after I read my reply, it looked like I was being a wiseass. 😯

    Trust me – I barely ever get offended. If something annoys me, I’ll tell you, but getting offended isn’t something I do very well. 😆


    DantheDragon wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    😆 That’s all right. It looks like you’ll fit right in. 😉

    I think that was already quite clear with her use of a Last Unicorn avatar, lol.

    haha-I thought that it was a fitting avatar!


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      PYO stands for Paint Your Own, the pieces that you can buy that don’t have any paint on them and paint however you would like.

      LOL my boyfriends mother saw my PYO’s box and see asked me if it meant Pick Your Own dragon… Well I guess you do really!

      I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


      Did you get one yet? I have one for sale, I thought I’d give you the first chance. Mint, no box, no tag. Best offer.


      Romeodanny wrote:

      Did you get one yet? I have one for sale, I thought I’d give you the first chance. Mint, no box, no tag. Best offer.

      No, I haven’t found one yet to buy. It’s sweet of you to give me the first chance to buy it!! How much are you asking for it?? You’re sweet! 🙂


      That’s some siggie you’ve got there, eaglefeather! What’s it from?


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        That’s some siggie you’ve got there, eaglefeather! What’s it from?

        Legend – a 1980s movie about unicorns starring Tim Currey and Tom Cruise.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        That’s some siggie you’ve got there, eaglefeather! What’s it from?

        Yep, it is from Legend. You can probably tell that I like unicorns, because of TLU avatar, and the Legend signature. It came out in 1986, and the character that you see is Princess Lily (Mia Sara) communicating to a bird, which Jack (Tom Cruise) has taught her to do. Tim Curry plays Darkness, and here is a screen shot of that right here:

        Those are all of the ones I have. 🙂

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