Gothic Unicorn? Anyone!?!

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    Hi! I am new here, and I have been looking for a gothic unicorn for quite some time now. I know I have seen a couple on Ebay before, but I missed out on that opportunity to grab one, so I was wondering if anyone was willing to part with one? I don’t have anything to trade, considering that I just completed my unicorn family collection. I am so happy about it too! Anyway, if you could help….thanks! πŸ˜€



    Welcome, eaglefeather!
    There’s oneon E-Bay now with no bids. It’s not a bad price. I paid $81 for mine.
    Unfortunately, I don’t think you’d want mine. It arrived smashed to bits.
    But good luck in your search! still lists them for sale…


      I have one, but a.) it’s slightly damaged (chipped toes) and b.) I wouldn’t part with it cheaply, ebay is probably a better bet.


      GB…Wrong Unicorn? Gothic, I think they meant the white “Goat” style Unicorn. Maybe I am wrong. *shrugs*


      Gargoyle, Gothic – they both start with G. 😳 Thanks for pointing that out, WSC. πŸ˜† And sorry, eaglefeather.


      LOL I wasn’t trying to be a bitch. I had to read it twice before I figured it out GB. Sorry. 😳


      Hey, I laughed at myself too. I don’t mind correction. πŸ˜†


      Yeah, I meant the goat-like unicorn. I would prefer for the gothic unicorn to be in tact, and not in peices! πŸ˜†
      Oh, I also noticed some Windstone Jargon (or slang) going on here, and I was wondering what it meant, like PYO and other abbreviations like that. Thanks!


        PYO stands for Paint Your Own, the pieces that you can buy that don’t have any paint on them and paint however you would like.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Gargoyle, Gothic – they both start with G. 😳 Thanks for pointing that out, WSC. πŸ˜† And sorry, eaglefeather.

        Oh, no problem πŸ™‚
        (but if you slip up again……)
        okay, okay, I’ll forgive you!
        I do have a sarcastic sense of humor!


        πŸ˜† That’s all right. It looks like you’ll fit right in. πŸ˜‰


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          πŸ˜† That’s all right. It looks like you’ll fit right in. πŸ˜‰

          I think that was already quite clear with her use of a Last Unicorn avatar, lol.


          OW – Old Warrior. Riser – Rising Spectral. PYO – Paint Your Own. EmPea – Emerald Peacock. SK – Secret Keeper.
          You’ll learn it all, it took me a bit to figure it out in the beginning too. πŸ˜‰
          LOL GB, I really thought I had offended you. πŸ˜• πŸ˜† And after I read my reply, it looked like I was being a wiseass. 😯

          The Last Unicorn…I have that on VHS. I LOVE IT!!! πŸ˜€


            BEP=black emerald peacock
            BVP=black violet peacock
            BG=black gold
            there are more, I am sure. πŸ˜†

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