Google April Fools

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      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        These guys have way too much time on their hands…

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Wikipedia is doing an April Fool’s joke too. So is ThinkGeek, and a lot of other internet places.

          April Fool’s day is becoming Internet Prank day, I think. *grins*


          well, i guess with tisp you no longer think you are flushign your money down the toilet. 😆 😆


          if you go to they will tell you about the new newest feature: paper archive.

          this page is a hoot.


          Those are funny. I wonder how many people fall for it. 😆


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Those are funny. I wonder how many people fall for it. 😆

          i am pretty sure i took the one they had last year seriously. it was some sort of drink to make you smarter or alter your brain some how. i was emailing the bf asking him how this was legal. he nicely pointed out the day of the year to me. 😳


          wow, just found out google has a page dedicated to googling april fools stuff:

          to help you pine point those april fool’s blogs and such.


          😆 😆 😆


          Sadly, I didn’t play any April fools jokes. Did anyone here?


            I completely forgot to. I was too worn out from the reenactment and the 1 am ride home due to asthma.

            I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
            Engaged to a Weasel


            my son tried with me and his step dad, LOL, he is only 8 though. With me it was, as I was asleep, he came up to me and said “mommy I spilt water all over the kitchen” to which I replied “well get a towel and clean it up” I think he thought I was gonna get mad, LOL and he looked at me and said “haha april fools” and ran away like a mad man.

            DH, who was also asleep got “kory mommy ate all the rice crispy squares” and he said “did she now” and he said “haha april fools” and ran like a mad man again.

            Little dork.


              dragonessjade wrote:

              Sadly, I didn’t play any April fools jokes. Did anyone here?

              I didnt. My man got up early and took his new car to the race track. I sat at home all day unpacking. He called me up and told me he would be a little late because he got into an accident at the track. Because he is a guy in a new car at a race track, I totally believed him. I didnt even realize it was April Fools 😕 He came home and gave me a few more details about the accident, but later when I asked about the car/insurance etc, he told me April Fools. What a jerk. It was a good one, though.


                I feel dumb, but I don’t get the TiSP one? How does a toilet relate to cable internet? I didn’t even see that a toilet was involved until I clickd on the “getting started” link….maybe its the stress/sleep deprivation ❓
                Its still kinda funny 🙂


                Note: For your own physical safety and emotional well-being and in consideration of the nanobots’ working conditions, please make absolutely certain that your toilet is unoccupied at the scheduled appointment time


                including 24-hour, on-site technical support in the event of backup problems, brownouts and data wipes.

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