Goofy forum problems – please read

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  • #849747

      It’s fixed now .


        I haven’t logged off in days, so I haven’t had any problems.

        I’m about to try loggin off and back on again.

        Wish me luck!

        Edit: Well, I had to get a new password, but it worked!


          Here’s another problem. On my new little home computer I usually use Explorer 9 as the browser – and in that browser the drop down fields under the tabs on the website (the ones under “shop” “community” etc) are not there. Shop only goes the the store, Community only goes to the forum. I loaded FireFox and it looks fine. I wonder how many other people are not seeing the drop down boxes simply because they weren’t inspired to visit anything like the Blog or Dealer List which are in them? With help from little John, we cleared the cache, he did all kinds of stuff clearing cookies and history, and the drop down boxes do not appear when I’m in Explorer 9. Help Drupal Dragon!


          That’s odd, Susie, because I’m on IE9 and they’re showing up fine for me…


          “Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!!” >_< Every time I come here I have to jump through the dern login issues!!! Where the heck is the keep me logged in forever button! It is driving me up the wall! DX

          It is becoming a real hassle just to visit! 🙁


            “Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!!” >_< Every time I come here I have to jump through the dern login issues!!! Where the heck is the keep me logged in forever button! It is driving me up the wall! DX

            It is becoming a real hassle just to visit! 🙁

            Is the forum making you change your password each time you visit? Or are you just unable to stay logged in?

            I’m not sure where the “Stay Logged In” button went. I will ask Clay after the holiday.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              I think it may depend on your computer’s security settings.

              I use IE both at home and at work. At home, I’m always logged on even if I close the computer and restart it later or another day, unless I actually click “log off”. However at work, I’m logged off the forum automatically every time I close the forum tab.


                This morning there is a small problem when replying to a post by quoting someone. The brackets on either end of the quote remain in the finished post.


                  Is the forum making you change your password each time you visit? Or are you just unable to stay logged in?

                  I’m not sure where the “Stay Logged In” button went. I will ask Clay after the holiday.

                  Using this quote as an example. Oh, now I see its double posting. 🙂 Thanks.

                  *edit* I think the quoting issue corrected its self. I haven’t had it happen since I posted here,lol.*

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