Goof Up

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  • #705040

      Melody he is GORGEOUS



        Absolutely beautiful I hope you will be using this color on some regular production pieces. Say a Pegasus *hint* πŸ˜†

        Dk GreenGreenWhiteGrey


        Ooh, that would look pretty on a Pegasus!!! 😯 *drools onto work table.*


          πŸ˜• Too close to the original white pegasus family members for my taste. :squeak: for new pegasus colors!


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          πŸ˜• Too close to the original white pegasus family members for my taste. :squeak: for new pegasus colors!

          Ah, but I never liked the original Pegasus line enough to buy them. That’s one of the reasons I think this “goof-up” color would look good on them. πŸ™‚


            See I like the original whites, but not the new LP blacks. If the blacks had wings like the old black male griffins and black flap cats (just blue and purple – no red, orange or yellow) I would have snapped them up in a heart beat as well.


            Yeah, I don’t like the new LP Blacks either. I’m hoping to eventually see the Male Pegasus in a color I like enough to buy.


              Pegasus painted to look like this would be great! πŸ˜€


                darjeb wrote:

                Melody he is GORGEOUS

                The pictures don’t show his eyes very well, they look fine from the side, but from the front he has a funny expression!


                Melody wrote:

                darjeb wrote:

                Melody he is GORGEOUS

                The pictures don’t show his eyes very well, they look fine from the side, but from the front he has a funny expression!

                I’ve been known to have a funny expression from the front! πŸ˜†


                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                    That unicorn print is gorgeous!
                    I would really love some unis painted like that. I would actually love any new color unis.


                    Blackdesertwind wrote:

                    Pegasus painted to look like this would be great! πŸ˜€

                    Oh wow I LOVE that picture!!


                      What Goof looks GREAT??
                      There is no picture to look at??

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