Goodbye Mitzy

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      That’s a lovely picture of Mitzy. So sorry, Copper. **sends hugs**


        I’m so sorry, saying goodbye is sooo hard. *hugs*


          My deepest sympathy about Mitzy I know how hard that can be I have lost 1 cat and 3 dogs and was scared to death I was going to lose Tristen awhile back and everybody rallied around to help me but still it is very hard to say goodby to a beloved pet There are tears in my eyes as I am typing this.


            I’m so sorry, losing a pet is never easy. I’m glad Mitzy had a good life with you.


            Im so very sorry for your loss. It’;s not fair that our furry loved ones never live as long as we do. But they always live on in our hearts and memories which in turn, in a way, does keep them alive. I dont know what spiritual path you subscribe to, and I dont mean this as a means of shoving mine down your throat, but I believe Mitzy has moved onto a place much better than this one, with the exception you cant enjoy her company in the way you use to. But she is still with you, in a different form, and may very well come back to you as another soul in your lifetime. You can roll your eyes if you want- not many understand my spiritualistic views and think they are hogwash. But I dont see the hurt in it since no one really knows anything.

            I’ll lit a special candle for Mitzy and keep both of you in my heart, thoughts and prayers.


              I’m so sorry. I know we love our furbabies like children. It’s so hard sometimes. *Hugs*


              I’m so sorry to hear about Mitzy. *sends mental chocolate*


                😥 I get really… really emotional when it comes to cats…
                I’m sorry. I know how you must feel 🙁


                  Thank you everybody. Although I feel worse today, all the *hugs* help. I know it will get better.


                  Awww….I am sorry for the lost of such a special friend. I hope you are doing ok.


                  Hang in there, Copper. 🙁 You gave Mitzy a good home for eleven years; she was really lucky to have had a family who loved her so much. And you gave her a gentle close to her life, which is indeed a gift of kindness.


                  I’m so sorry copper. That last act of love to allow a cherished animal companion dignity in passing on is never an easy one. There have been horses, dogs and cats that have been special to me. Each one took a bit of my heart when the choice had to be made for them but the time with them had enriched my life. I’m sure that Mitzy not only enriched your life but that you did the same for her. My heart goes out to you.


                    I’m so sorry. I’m sure you both gave each other many wonderful years of companionship. It’s with love that you provided her with a peaceful ending. I know it’s not easy *hugs*

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