
Good news from me

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      I bet the benefits are good too!! 🙂


        starbreeze wrote:

        They do love to throw those trash cans around, don’t they!!! 😆 Every now and then, you get one who very nicely puts it back on the driveway, but most of the time they’re laying halfway in the street. 😆

        Yup and we’re missing lids, too. I heard they fired the guy that put the can nicely in your driveway. 😆


        starbreeze wrote:

        Being a garbageman entails a lot of responsibility. Its a tough job; you have to keep working rain or shine (or snow) and no matter how much you have to pick up, you have to complete your entire route. You can’t stop because the truck is full and save the rest of your route for tomorrow. Does he work long hours?

        My son was fascinated by big trucks from the moment he was born and what’s bigger and more fascinating than a garbage truck. He used to run to our living room window when he heard them coming and the guys would wave to him. Now that he’s older (he’s 14), he doesn’t watch them as much, but he still has his collection of toy garbage trucks and adds to it whenever he sees a new one. There are some on the internet that sell for $100 or more. 😯 He does not have any of those!! 😆
        Yeah, he is actually excited because before he was doing dirt work and he usually got laid off for winter. Now he has a job thru Winter and he says that now he can actually spoil me for x-mas and not have to stress about saving money or something else. Right now he has to be there at 6:00 am and then usually gets off around 3:30.

        That would make sense now that your son would be more fasinated with garbage trucks since you said that the garbage men would wave at him. When you meet nice ppl when you are a kid it influences them more and I think kids are smart and figure out who they want to be like when they get older.


          awwww…it’s so nice that he wants to spoil you!!! He sounds like a really nice guy. I guess we’ll keep him. 😆


          starbreeze wrote:

          They do love to throw those trash cans around, don’t they!!! 😆 Every now and then, you get one who very nicely puts it back on the driveway, but most of the time they’re laying halfway in the street. 😆

          Here they don’t unload the trash cans into the trucks. We have big plastic trash cans that the arm of the truck grabs it and then dumps it in the truck. I think they got smarter. Garbage cans can be heavy to lift. I guess I never thought of a garbage man being a respectable job. I guess I was one of those thankless people. 😳
          I think it pays pretty good. It is under $20 a hour, but I still think that is good. And the benefits are suppose to be really good.


            Good, honest, steady work is always respectable. 😉


              Aw, that’s great news. It’s always nice when there are two incomes instead of just one.


                That’s wonderful news! 😀
                It is definitely much easier to sleep at night when your not worrying about making it on one income.


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Good, honest, steady work is always respectable. 😉

                  I second that. And not only that, it is necessary work. Think where we would be without the garbage men.

                  Congrats to him. And to you.


                    One of my good friends was a garbage man and he always found the neatest stuff. It’s amazing what people throw away 😯


                      wolflodge100 wrote:

                      One of my good friends was a garbage man and he always found the neatest stuff. It’s amazing what people throw away 😯

                      Isn’t that the truth? We know someone that works at a recycling center….he said people get rid of brand new stuff all of the time. If we have large objects that we want to get rid of, we put them out to the curb with a “free” sign attached to them. It’s usually gone in a matter of hours. Hopefully it goes to people that need it, but even if they take it to sell it, it’s better than it ending up in the trash.


                        Indeed! When I was in college, hunting around the campus townhouses and outside some of the dorms yielded wonderful finds! I found an entertainment center, an easter ceramic basket decoration (now my mom’s) and a futon bed frame, that were all quite usuable and undamaged. Silverware and dishes were always to be had and I managed to find a binder full of cds (mostly music, a few applications – not bootlegged either). My aunt used to work housekeeping at Skidmore. My uncle got a leather cast coat for the movie “The Untouchables”. My cousins and I all received graphing calculators that needed one and I received large amount of art supplies, including a very large, very nice artist porfolio. The students just didn’t want them anymore (that campus, a lot of the kids drive BMWs… not so much on mine, unless they are fairly old). May is always a fun time to go scouting for stuff on college campuses (esp. senior/grad housing).

                        Congrats on the hubby’s new job! Someone has to do it and it’s honest work! There are a lot of jobs people say that no one wants, but boy would people b***h if no one was around to do them 😆 My next door neighbor worked for years at the sewage treatment facility in town. They actually have some pretty high tech stuff down there from what you’d expect (we have a bacteria filtration system that eats away at the crap and stuff that comes in so the water is eventually re-usable again). Apparently it’s more complex than a lot of other places in the area! Decent money too.


                          starbreeze wrote:

                          My son was fascinated by big trucks from the moment he was born and what’s bigger and more fascinating than a garbage truck.

                          *Giggle* These…

                          These are what I grew up with my Mom driving!!
                          Although these are what she’s been running lately…


                          Well one of our favorite things is to go to swap meets, thrift stores, and garage sales. So maybe he will find something neat when he is working.

                          Anyone want to come to my bf’s (he plays guitar) and friend’s show. If you are close to Utah, come on down. My friend is the female (she sings and plays keyboard and electric cello) and that is how I met my bf. They have a show this Saturday and on May 9th. I get to take pictures. 😀

                          Here are the websites:




                            Wish I could come, but Florida is just a little too far away. 🙁

                            Lupin, if my son saw the pictures you posted, he’d be asking you to adopt him. He’d love a grandmother like that!!! 😆

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