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      they said it’s supposed to sleet here tomorrow….

      but you never know how it is around here….


        Man…it’s still in the high 70s here and hit 82 yesterday…


          well that’s normal for here though….we were almost 90 today…

          but there have been times when it’s been 70-80 and it’s snowed that night….but been 70-80 the next day too….LOL

          weather here is psycho


            Tempratures are notorious for bouncing everywhere here too. 🙄


              I’ll send you guys all the snow you want in a month or hell, probably the end of this month. Was cool but not real cold today. Went out and did some Christmas shopping, boy was it ever busy out there. Seems everyone had the same idea I did. Tea and cinnamon rolls sound perfect right about now but I’ll make due with tea and cookies.


                Do you remember Kiss Me, Kate? How about Kismet? Carousel? Flower Drum Song? The Music Man?

                Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! Right before we left Richland, I got to costume the whole show for Richland Light Opera’s production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘H.M.S. Pinafore’. There was enough money in the budget that we were able to send my sketches to a professional costume house in Seattle and all the men’s costumes came back complete and ready to go *sighs with relief and wonder* Can you imagine having to do all the braid work and trim on British Naval Uniforms not to mention period hats for said military men? The thought is horrifying! As it was we produced all the womens’ gowns, shoes, millinery, parasoles, gloves etc. plus props. But boy was it a grand sight on opening night! It was fun to do; lots of work but lots of fun 😀 ! Haven’t done anything that big since, and sadly my portfolio was lost in one of our last 2 or three moves. I don’t even have photos or a program, but I do have some rather wonderful memories!




                  frozendragon wrote:

                  well that’s normal for here though….we were almost 90 today…

                  but there have been times when it’s been 70-80 and it’s snowed that night….but been 70-80 the next day too….LOL

                  weather here is psycho

                  So the temp can change 30-40 degrees in one day??? Wow!!! 😯


                    starbreeze wrote:

                    frozendragon wrote:

                    well that’s normal for here though….we were almost 90 today…

                    but there have been times when it’s been 70-80 and it’s snowed that night….but been 70-80 the next day too….LOL

                    weather here is psycho

                    So the temp can change 30-40 degrees in one day??? Wow!!! 😯

                    yup….I guess it’s a texas thing…


                    We were raised on the same stuff! I love Brigadoon, Camelot, Sound of Music, the King & I, My Fair Lady…. *sigh* *dreamy smile* and I love hot chocolate too 🙂 We’re supposed to have a 20 degree drop in the weather today, so I guess I should snuggle up tonight w/a musical & hot chocolate too (not that I ever need an excuse for hot chocolate).


                      frozendragon wrote:

                      starbreeze wrote:

                      frozendragon wrote:

                      well that’s normal for here though….we were almost 90 today…

                      but there have been times when it’s been 70-80 and it’s snowed that night….but been 70-80 the next day too….LOL

                      weather here is psycho

                      So the temp can change 30-40 degrees in one day??? Wow!!! 😯

                      yup….I guess it’s a texas thing…

                      It can be an Alberta Thing too. it can be -40*C at night and then shoot up to +10*C during the day if a chinnook rolls in. Then there are the cold snaps where it doesn’t get above -30*C during the day…. that last for weeks……


                      Yowza. 😯 All this weather talk has got me realizing just how close winter really is. We aren’t likely to see snow at our elevation but the “monsoon” season is due to start any time now. When the winter storms start marching through, it’s going to be massively soggy around here clear through April. Time to buy hot chocolate! 😛


                        twindragonsmum wrote:

                        Do you remember Kiss Me, Kate? How about Kismet? Carousel? Flower Drum Song? The Music Man?

                        Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! Right before we left Richland, I got to costume the whole show for Richland Light Opera’s production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘H.M.S. Pinafore’. There was enough money in the budget that we were able to send my sketches to a professional costume house in Seattle and all the men’s costumes came back complete and ready to go *sighs with relief and wonder* Can you imagine having to do all the braid work and trim on British Naval Uniforms not to mention period hats for said military men? The thought is horrifying! As it was we produced all the womens’ gowns, shoes, millinery, parasoles, gloves etc. plus props. But boy was it a grand sight on opening night! It was fun to do; lots of work but lots of fun 😀 ! Haven’t done anything that big since, and sadly my portfolio was lost in one of our last 2 or three moves. I don’t even have photos or a program, but I do have some rather wonderful memories!


                        I am so sorry you lost your portfolio. I used to do G & S too. My two favorites were Ruth in Pirates and the Fairy Queen in Iolanthe. I never worked on costumes as I can’t sew worth beans. But I usually helped with props and set painting.


                        frozendragon wrote:

                        they said it’s supposed to sleet here tomorrow….

                        but you never know how it is around here….

                        Sleet? I talked to a friend in Texas on Thursday and he said it was 100°F!

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