Good Fantacy – Scifi – Mystery Books?

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    dragonmedley wrote:

    Ok, when you’re done reading what everybody said, let us know!

    That may take a while . . . . 😆 I’ve got a shelf of books that I haven’t read yet, including the other books in the Dragonsbane series. I can’t believe I have unread books. Something’s wrong with that! 😛


    Barrdwing wrote:

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Ok, when you’re done reading what everybody said, let us know!

    That may take a while . . . . 😆 I’ve got a shelf of books that I haven’t read yet, including the other books in the Dragonsbane series. I can’t believe I have unread books. Something’s wrong with that! 😛

    I know! I’ve got about 4 floating around here, unheard of…but it is dwindling, as I read each one.

    Just finished The Golden Compass…it shall be interesting to see how the story unfolds on the big screen.



      One of my favourit books (and fav recommendation ) is
      KRABAT by Ottfried Preussler.

      I believe it exists in english, even if the original is German.
      It is pretty different to all other fantasy books I have so far read and I like it for its “old style”.
      It has no classical fantasy touches (swordfighters, knights and… yes… no dragons) and sometimes seems like a longer, dark, fairytale story.
      If you can get the original book with the original woodprint illustration (only a few, but I really like them).

      The story is about a boy named Krabat who gets hired by a miller as a twelfth assistant. The miller knows black magic and every friday he transforms the assistants into 12 ravens and gives them lessons in spells. This black magic has to be paid once a year by selling one soul (one of the assistants) to the devil. The assistants can only be saved if they have a girl who asks them free.

      nuff said 🙂




      🙂 More cool recommendations! Thanks to Nam for recommending E.E. Knight (just finished Dragon Champion & have send it on to my parents and am now after the second! Noticed the third is out in Dec 🙂 ). I’m also going to try the Vampire Earth series… in my very limited spare time 🙂


      Glad to know the next dragon book is due out in December. Thanks for the info!


      Not gonna be a surprise what I’m going to say, but George RR Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series is on the top of my list. The story gets more and more engaging the more you read. The characters are very developed. You end up loving the bad guys. There are also dragons in it! They are making an HBO series out of it also, so catch up before that happens…

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