Good Fantacy – Scifi – Mystery Books?

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    I thought this would be a good place to ask about books to read.

    Ok So I am a fan of Dean Koontz and I really enjoy the Harry Potter series and I have read Eragon.. and I have run out of books … so any suggestions as to an author I should try? I’m not a fan of romance novels so please steer me away from that sort of format. I’m looking for well written books with a good story line.

    I would appreciate any help you can offer.




    Check out the Fantasy Books for Young Readers thread under General Writing. It has some good books that are suggested and talked about there.

    I enjoyed the Magic Ship trilogy by Robin Hobb and the Fire Within series by Chris D’Lacey. If you haven’t already read them, the Pern books (Dragonflight, Dragon quest, etc) by Anne McCaffrey are good. She also has other non-dragon series that are popular. If you’ve read Eragon, the next book is Eldest. I have it, I just need to find time to sit down and read it. 🙂


    I read Eldest.. great surprize at the end! I won’t say what.

    I tried reading the Dragons of Pern series but there seemed to be a bit of a romance novel vibe to them I couldn’t apprecitate.. my mom loves that series.. and I did grow up looking at the dragons on the covers of those books.

    I will check out that other thread as well..


    David Eddings….The Belgariad: pawn of prophecy, queen of sorcery, castle of wizardry, magician’s gambit, enchanter’s endgame

    This is the best series, and Eragon borrowed heavily (I think) from the Belgariad. Regardless, this is such a fun, well written series.


      I highly, highly recommend the Age of Fire series by E.E. Knight:

      They are great books for dragon lovers, and the author is a really nice guy. 🙂

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      I can definitely recommend Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series (a little romance but it’s easy to focus on the dragons and ignore that goo). Other really good authors out there are:

      Andre Norton: Older school, prolific writer, astonishing range of titles. Check out a used-book store; you should be able to find some very inexpensive titles. Her best work seems to be from the fifties, sixties, and seventies; I’m not a huge fan of the stories done late in her career, or as collaborations with other writers. Favorite titles: “Plague Ship”, “The Stars are Ours!”, and “The Crystal Gryphon”. But she’s written so many good books! Minimal romance crap, too. 🙂

      Robin McKinley: Excellent storywriter, some tendency to romance. Worth a look.

      Terry Pratchett: British author, hysterically funny stories, very well-constructed with a lot of depth. Try his more recent works such as “Carpe Jugulum”, but really anything is good.

      David Brin: Writes enormous books that take a couple of reads to make sense of. If you want a good book for a long trip, try him. But if having to read things a couple times over to figure out what the author is trying to say drives you nuts, then maybe not. (Sometimes I am just NOT in the mood for a confusing read.)

      David Weber: Can highly recommend his Honor Harrington series. Heavy on the quasi-military references, but good storylines and a kick-fanny main character.

      There are more, but I’ve got to scram. Good luck! 🙂


        Check out His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass). The Golden Compass is coming out at the end of the year in a movie (that looks absolutely awesome). It takes place in a parallel world (similar to our own), but everyone has a familiar that is kind of like your soul, only it is external and is in the form or some sort of animal.

        Just starting to read Stardust right now by Neil Gaiman. I love his Sandman books (Graphic novels/comics that really go beyond the typical comic – covers philosophy to mythology to Shakespeare). I highly recommend his book Smoke and Mirrors (short stories).

        If you like humor, there is always Terry Pratchett (start with the Color of Magic as a recommend).
        Kinda liked the Shadow Saga by Christopher Golden (Of Saints and Shadows, Of Masques and Martyrs, etc. – I think there are 4 books in total – haven’t read the 4th yet). If you like Vampires that is. Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon, but not sure if that is too romantic for you.


        wow .. yeah .. I can’t wait to go and check out these books!


          Hmmm, fantasy/mystery without romance. You might give the Diana Tregard series by Mercedes Lackey a chance. There are only three books: Burning Water, Children of the Night and Jinx High. They are currently coming back in print – not sure if Jinx High is out though. It’s part of her “Elves on the Road” universe.

          Another series to check out is The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. The Dresden Files, telling the story of wizard Harry Dresden, who solves crimes in modern-day Chicago. There is minimal romance in the series and several people have described it as Harry Potter all grown up. There are currently 9 books out (10th due in April 2008). The first book is Storm Front.


          Great taste, Bardwing!! (well, Brin is not my favorite)
          Have you tried The Alera Codex by Jim Butcher? Great! (4th book out in Dec!)

          And how about combining greats…. GOOD OMENS! Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman: love it!

          And Roger Zelazny’s Amber series… 🙂

          (I love the book recommendation threads!)


            I recommend all of Mercedes Lackey Valdemar books.
            The link is to her biblography page. The books are at the bottom. The Dragon Jouster books are good as well.


              Valdemar is good, but there is a touch of romance to them. No actual sex scenes, but romantic elements. TrottierJS said she’s “not a fan of romance novels so please steer me away from that sort of format.” Otherwise I would have recommended them myself.


              Don’t mind a little chemistry but not the over dramatic romance — soap operah style .. you know .. oh rhonda.. oh rolando!


                Although this is different from anything else that people have suggested, it’s the one book I think everyone should read. Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. If you you didn’t like 300 because of its lack of realism or if you would just like more story and substance on the battle of thermopylae this book is for you. The story is fantastic and the descriptions are vivid. however its not for the younger crowd its a realistic war book but it has many references to mythology that are very interesting.

                I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                Engaged to a Weasel

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