Gone for the weekend – blech

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    Well, I’m back. And I have 107 posts that want to be read!
    Do ya’ll mind if I postpone describing my trip until after I’ve caught up a little?


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Well, I’m back. And I have 107 posts that want to be read!
      Do ya’ll mind if I postpone describing my trip until after I’ve caught up a little?

      No…I mean yes!….I mean…no…..=P


      I sort of caught up. Didn’t read them all, but oh well.
      We were in Goslar, way up north in Hessia. Gorgeous countryside with hills – could hardly call them mountains 8) – and forests and towns like out of a story book. Goslar had about a dozen churches, and all the houses were timbered and had slate roofs. The streets were narrow and cobbled. It was idyllic.
      The boys came home loaded with candy. It’s always the same at these retreats – gotta go for all the American junk food and sweets and pop that we can’t or don’t get here in Switzerland. 😆
      Now I gotta get back to work on star’s griffin. I could have finished it over the weekend if I hadn’t gone.


        There’s no rush on my griffin, silly!! 😀


        Oh yes there is – I want to paint! 😆 Besides, I have half a dozen boxes cluttering up my floor and if I can finish and send off a few commissions I can get rid of the boxes.
        But, Zeph is on forced hold now, actually. I need cyrillian blue, which I thought Mom had, but she doesn’t, so I need to get some today or tomorrow.
        Oh well. In the mean time I’m starting on gryphondreamer’s Castalia. 😛


          Welcome back! I am back too, and there is no way im gonna try to catch up 🙁 I hope I didnt miss anything good.


            Me too


            skigod377 wrote:

            Welcome back! I am back too, and there is no way im gonna try to catch up 🙁 I hope I didnt miss anything good.

            The announcement that black gold curls and crouching chicks are available, a somewhat boisterous entry of a new member, lots of anticipation for the second PYO swap… 😆


              hmmm….I guess boisterous is as good a description as any 😉


              😆 😆 Actually, there’s another word that starts with b that would fit better, but I’m heading to the office in five minutes and I can’t think of it right now. 😀


                😆 😆 😉


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Welcome back! I am back too, and there is no way im gonna try to catch up 🙁 I hope I didnt miss anything good.

                  The announcement that black gold curls and crouching chicks are available, a somewhat boisterous entry of a new member, lots of anticipation for the second PYO swap… 😆

                  I found the topic. How funny!


                  Especially after the introduction of pillows… 😆


                  Welcome back.


                  Thanks. It’s good to be back. 😀

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